Saturday, June 27, 2009

Idiot Girl a Week in Review

Monday: I spent the whole weekend with my parents, I needed today to recover, I was so busy with all the scrap booking jobs (graduation boards & books) that I barely had time to see them. My mom and I did make time to go shopping…yes she had to force me. In the end I was glad I went and had some fun. Got my dad some Wii games for Fathers Day. He is the bestest dad ever. Someday if I win the lotto I will take care of him and my mom for putting up with all my idiot girl ways.

Tuesday: What is up with all the road kill?…. Is the road kill picker-upper on vacation? Eww. I must have seen 5 dead animals on my little drive today. Including a turtle.

Wednesday: I had to call the court and pay my $140 fine for turning on orange. The lady on the other end of the phone felt sorry for me, or at least she pretended too…which really did not make me feel better.

Thursday: It was pretty uneventful. No memorable idiot moments to report. Except I have 3 more graduation boards to do. I will try not to get my fingers stuck together with glue dots this time.

Friday: When I went to bed Thursday night I set my alarm (cell phone) and put it on the charger. Well I must not have plugged it in all the way so the phone went completely dead, which means at 7:30 I was still sleeping instead of foreclosing on people at work. Sable had to do speed peeing and I had to do some super fast showering, but I got to work at 8:30 so all in all not too bad…the best part was I was not pulled over for speeding.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

The HR Lady

It was a pretty dreary morning, dripping rain on me while I let Sable out. I just wanted to shut my eyes and pretend I was in Forks and my name was Bella. However my life is not that exciting so I let Sable do her thing and went to work. I know I don’t usually work on Saturday’s however I love money and I have no life, so a little overtime is not going to kill me. I rounded the corner in front of the building and there she was… The HR Lady. As I parked my car I had several thoughts:
What is she doing here on a Saturday?
Shit! She has her black folder.
Someone is getting fired!
Damn I know I got personal e-mails!
What Internet Site was I on?
There is only two of us working today.
Is it me?

I walked by her and said good morning and she smiled back, but did not stop me. Just as we finished the awakward exchange I saw my co-worker coming out with a plant in her hands and tears streaming down her face. I looked down at the floor and kept walking I did not know what to say or not say. Somehow “Good Morning” “Good bye” “Oh, did you get fired?” did not seem approprate. So I headed up to my desk and popped my CD in and got lost in the sounds of Aletheua – Truthspeaking. After the song was over I wandered over to the windows and both of their cars were gone. I did not get fired, but wow…can someone warn a sister if that stuff is gonna go down while I am here.

Time passed pretty fast, for as quiet as it was, and at 1:00 I headed home. No park today for Sable since it is raining, and to be honest I feel a little off, thank you Cottonwood trees for all the white floating puff balls that are making outside a living hell on my allergies. I can’t remember if I told you before but those Vicks Kleenex are the best product ever.

Anyway pretty uneventful I made it to work and back two days in a row with no police officer encounters. I bet your proud of me.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Oh FFS I give up for today.

Last night and today sheer idiot girl in action. I don’t know how I manage to always have such amazing luck. Last night I could not sleep, just had a lot on my mind…so you know it was a battle between my tired body and my wide awake mind. So what seemed like a few minutes later my alarm went off and it was time for work. I looked in the mirror and my puffy eyes looked horrible.

I took Sable outside and I have been watching her poop like a hawk… I know that sounds weird, but when I went to visit my dad and mom on Sunday my dad had chicken wings for lunch and tossed the bones in the trash, which would normally not be a big deal but Sable was like "OMG YAY Chicken Bones" I dont care for chicken on the bone (gross) so Sable does not get into that kinda trouble at home. When my dad and I had left the room she went into Super Sable Stealth mode and ninja'd the bones out of the trash I have been hoping everything “comes out” ok. I don’t need another vet bill.

I get dressed and get to work and I just seemed out of control...could not get a handle on people and the phone kept ringing. Right off the bat I get one guy who is just being a jerk and another one who is trying to hit on me. Some days you just want to scream or be able to tazer people through the phone

I was trying to figure out persons A deed in lieu, Persons C short sale and Person B would call to see about getting a modification. I think this is when my mind just went on strike and said fuck you. I then needed some caffeine and the coke machine refused to take 2 out of my 5 quarters…why? I have no clue. So I had to go on a search to exchange my shunned quarters for 2 more favorable quarters. I finally got my coke.

I finally get through work and and driving home and I know your not gonna believe this… I had another run in with the law. I know you think i am making this crap up, but i am not.

In my ½ zombie and ½ caffeine rush state I turn left on an orange light..,. yes it was orange…almost unyellow and just turning red. Well I get pulled over. 1. I have no seatbelt on 2. The insurance cards in my car say expired two months ago and the new ones are at home and
3. I have unpaid parking tickets. So I got a ticket for disobeying a traffic signal, he let the other things slide. SO I get to call on Monday and see how much that is going to cost me. Do you think I can get a payment plan?

I get home and take sable for a walk to chill but she does not seem to want to go for some reason. So I go back home to escape in my video game only to have things go to hell on there too. So here I sit. I think I will go read or something constructive where I am not bothering anyone or being a menace to society.

Milk ---check.

Oreos. ---check.

Mandalay CD, candles, and maybe some vodka (better safe than sober). ----check.

Remove all potential projectiles from area. (pens, silverware, chairs etc..) ---check.

Monday, June 8, 2009


I had went to pick of lunch for the office and I never mind doing this because using the FTM is far less hassle than using the ATM. Let me explain this idiot girl theory.

Using the “Friend TM”
Step 1. Announce you are going to Subway.
Step 2. Ask co-workers if they want anything thing
Step 3. Collect orders and cash
Step 4. Walk to Subway and pay with debit card… leaving you cash in hand.

Using the ATM
Step 1. Drive to bank
Step 2. Dig for card
Step 3. Try to remember pin number
Step 4. Wait for slow person in front of you to check balances on all 17 of their accounts
Step 5. Tap foot
Step 6. Approach machine and try to read screen with glare from the sun

… you get my point the FriendTM is way more efficient, try it today.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

The Idiot Girl Elitest Award (FFXI)

OMG I have met the BIGGEST Elitist Fuck AROUND.

You know me I get myself in some of the worst situations with people, this is why for the most part I hide inside where it is safe.

I've been wondering… Do the elitist have any fun in life or in video games for that matter, or do they just spend their lives trying to prove to everyone else they're superior?

I am talking about the type of person that is always right and never at fault. So quick to give you a million reasons as to why it was not their fault, it had to be yours. These are the people that, regardless of the subject at hand, they ALWAYS know more about anyone involved with that topic.

They know random, trivial facts that nobody else knows. They've owned every console ever made. They're the only ones on the planet who beat E.T. on the Atari (and they're actually proud of this). Then, they turn around and lecture everybody. And I mean, everybody. They seek out the smallest mistake and pounce on it, gleefully proclaiming to all just how knowledgeable they are.

Seriously, were they last in line when humanity was being handed out? I don’t know what it is about this person but just about everything he thinks or says makes it very difficult for me to relate to him let alone want to even be around him.

He is his own biggest fan and has a strong belief in his own superiority. He will bulldoze anyone who confronts him on his logic by having a “data dump” which is when he overwhelms you with HIS logic, and shuts you down quickly to try to confuse you or has a complete melt down which reminds me of a 5 year old yelling at your head as if you are hard of hearing.

Is it because there is some deep seeded problem from his childhood? Is it because he has a strong need for security or control in an unpredictable world? Did he grow up constantly being criticized so he always has to get out his “blankie” of armor, warp it around him and proceed to try to demoralized anyone within a 50 yard radius?

This guy has zero social graces - and certainly no social status to speak of - and because of this, he has to make his mark in a video game. Is his goal in life to be the all-knowing guru? All hail swinger of the mightiest e-peen (eletronical penis)...maybe he is just overcompensating for his lack of one in real life.

So my question is simple: do these people have any fun in life or playing games? Ever? It seems to me as if he walks thorough life as if he is out for revenge, he actually creams his pants when he pisses someone off.

When you're out to prove something all the time, the fun factor disappears fast, doesn't it?

I can tell you all he does is irk me, because I only see him as useless, unhappy, nose-in-the-air elitist fuck. This girls is staying far far away. I hope last night was the first and last run in with this type of person.
