The next appointment was a cat scan, talk about freak out… I had one of those before and they injected some dye in me and I had such a severe reaction that I ended up staying in the hospital. So I told them no way on the dye, they said they were just scanning my head so there was no need. Flashing lights, spinning, moving table, and a few loud noises later I was done.
The next appointment I got to see the cat scan, I was relieved that my brain was in there and it was not a little hamster asleep on the wheel. However it was very clear to the doctor that I had sinus issues. Ok… I knew that before the very expensive CAT scan…thank gawd for insurance. He starts talking about surgery; I was ready to run out. I told him that I was not big on going under the knife.
So to make a long story short I will skip the next 3 appointments, I was poked with 38 needles and a ton test prongs, it turns out I have off the chart allergies. All kinds of Grass, Weeds, Summer Flowers, cats, dust, dust mites, cottonwood, mold… it is a long list. The best part is off all the pokes I had a reaction too the dog one stayed flat. I am not allergic to sable.
I have to use an inhaler if I go on wooded hikes, or am around certain types of grasses that are worse than others, for example Timothy Grass and Rag Weed, I will have to goggle that so I know what they like. I have to go every 4th day to get an allergy shot in both arms.
I have opted not to go under the knife for the sinus issues for now. I guess if it gets worse I will have too, but for now I will just try to get these allergies under control and hope that helps.