Thursday morning I woke up to the right side of my face all swollen. Not my whole face just under my eye to the top of my mouth (cheek area) I went to work because that is what I do, but I was kinda freaking out on the inside. When my boss got in she sent me to the doctor. It must have been more noticable than I thought, of course I did forget to tell you it was bright red and hot. and I could only do 1/2 smiles.
I called my allergist to see if it was a reaction to the shot I got on Wednesday morning but they said no, I do not have any food allergies so that was unlikely. I called my regular doctor but she could not see me, but the nurse said to got get it looked at ASAP. This began my panic. I went to the Redi Med clinic and he said it was an infection in my skin... this sounded like crap to me because I have no cuts on my skin, anyway he gave me some antibotics and sent me home.
The next morning I had an appt. with my real doctor she took one look at me and started scheduling things like a mad women, lab work, shot in the ass (of antibotics) and a cat scan... to make a long story short by the end of the day I had much stronger drugs and was laying in a cat scan machine. Now this is Friday and Doctors leave at around noonish... usually. I was in the cat scan by 4:00pm and my doctor said for them to call her on her cell phone. This really caused me to panic... I hope I am not going to die usually the doctor does not care and will let you know results on Monday....
At 5:00pm the doctor called and I have something called Chronic Sinustus. I have a major sinus infection, and have had it for a long time, this sinus infection caused two pylops to form in my sinus cavity... in my mind pylop could be cancer so I got googled it... phew... less than 4% is cancer. The doctor also told me that they may need to be revomed. I asked if that would involve a hospital, needles, knives, and being KO'd and she said maybe... i think this was were I passed out.
I guess I will here from the ENT today and know if I am going under the knife.
Will keep you posted.
...and yes I am a big baby.