Today's idiot day started pretty much at midnight when I got some upsetting news, but we are not gonna go there I am pretty sure I was up fretting about it til 2:00am so that is all the time I am going to waste on that. I think I slept for 2 hours last night which lately has been the standard.
I know I am not eatting right or sleeping right... suck it!
So a few weeks ago i downloaded an app to my phone... I know impressive. It is called "Couch to 5k" I think it was the masochistic in me, I have not always been a masochistic just lately. I think pain is my most familier state where things are normal and feelings of love, hope, trust, and joy seem to be a temporary laspe of sanity.
Anyway so I loaded up the i tunes on my i phone and hit start on the app. This pleasant female voice comes on and says "begin your warm-up" I would prefer a sexy man voice but w/e I start walking. in the next 20 mins this voice tells me to run... walk... run... walk... I am thinking I was almost done, but the voice came on 4 mins later and said "congratulations" your half way... I think this is when I began to swear at my phone. I wanted to punch a bitch. So i figure I will turn around and start back. When she said "begin your cooldown" I started to crawl to the car... I am pretty sure that is not part of the cooldown but that is how this girl does it. I think I saw squirrels laughing... now I know why Sable dislikes them.
anyway I have 7 weeks of this shit and then I am supposed to be able to run 5k which is approx 3.1 miles of hell. Just for added motivation I am doing a Color Run with my sister this summer. Hopefully I will be able to run without swearing by then.
Yes, to take the idiot girl adventures to the max, I started a running program in the winter.