So what a weekend, it was fantastic.
If you know me at all…since some life changing decisions I made for myself I had somewhat become a hermit in my own house. I fell into a “gamer” lifestyle and wow suddenly I have very little “local” social life, you know what I mean… people I can converse with w/o a computer screen. It is not that I don’t enjoy my “on-line” friends it is just this weekend was so nice to walk away from the computer.

I went bowling with some friends who all bowled WAY better than I did. However my first game I got a 69 score which I thought was a very GOOD number, come to find out in bowling land it was pretty bad. I tried to give the ball sweet loving, but it was clear it did not like me, even though I was so sexy in my bowling shoes. We bowled 3 games total I think I might have got like 2 strikes and maybe a spare. Can I blame it on the alcohol? I went in the ditch A LOT (or is it gutter?) So after bowling we made our way to the bar where I proceeded to drink more and laugh and in true idiot girl fashion I get up to go pee and start walking to the bathroom only to trip on my own boot lace and face plant next to the pool table. Good thing my boobs broke the fall, I was so embarrassed… I wanted to crawl under the pool table, but I didn’t I got up and went into the bathroom to inventory the damage…
1 bruise on knee
1 scratch on wrist
1 bruised ego
….all else seems to be ok, so I go back out into the bar, and bow to all the people and inform them to stick around I might have more amazing tricks of idiocy that I can show them… and I did…I got up and sang karaoke “Madonna”
Fun Times!