Thursday, May 28, 2009

I'm Boring

Sorry about the sad state of my blog lately. i have not been real motivated to write anything funny. You ever have one of those off weeks...where nothing seems to be going right. Work seems odd, i got a bitchy e-mail today from my boss for doing something wrong, that i thought i did right... i will blame that on a lack of training. (teehee). I cant seem to just get any quiet time with those i love, you know lifes lil distractions always get in the way.

Sable had stepped on something and hurt her foot pretty bad, she licked it until it was raw and when i got home from work she was hardly walking on it, so $90 later she has pain meds, antibotic, a foot wash, and a lamp shade. poor baby.
I was hoping to present you with a guest post from Ryan but I guess he has been busy so...Nooter I will update you on the chicken, from what i have been told. It has grown, and it is now laying eggs. It seems so strange to me that someone would have a pet chicken... i bet i am allergic so i will just stick with Sable. I am looking at her now and I am having a craving for a dirty martini. Well it is midnight so i think i better head to bed.

Maybe i will get inspired this weekend to post about all my latest idiot girl adventures.


  1. Poor pup!!

    Don't worry, you will get your mojo back.

    We will be here when you do.

  2. aww. poor sable. it's so sad when you have to put the lamp shade on.

  3. sable with a lampshade, you know how to party girl! those things are great for catching tossed snaks that might otherwise go whizzing past your head.

    now we know which came first- it was indeed the chicken

    missed ya- come by and visit
