So Jesse told me yesterday at work…”since you don’t answer your phone when I call I am coming over at noon tomorrow to drop off my computer”

It is now 12:30 and no Jesse. Hence why I don’t answer my phone when he calls. He is the type of guy who will use you in anyway he can. I used to think when I first met him that he was this awesome guy. Ok so he is not bad looking I will not deny, he has lots of luck with the ladies (they are young and dumb) he has a son, works and finished up college. So I am thinking he has it all together, that was until I started babysitting for him and he promised to pay me each time but he never did… and one time he left me there and the baby had no milk…so it even cost me money. Each time I would have to pick up and clean his house because why should the baby suffer? I heard his mom moved back in with him now…so at least I know the house and baby are clean. Anyway yeah so now since I refuse to babysit he calls (or tries to call) when he has a computer malfunction. This is the second time for that, not much I can do when people are too lazy to keep their free virus protection updated.
So here I am, I need to go to the store but I am here waiting…
I vacuumed for the 3rd time (Sable is shedding so much it is like there is 4 of her)
Washed the glass I had water in
Drank some more water
Washed the glass again
Inventoried my books, cds, and sex toy collection
Downloaded the pictures off my camera
Typing this blog….
So now I decided I have waited long enough and I am going to the store, but when I look outside it is a downpour…
Rain rain go away lil siren wants to play.
Why cant it rain on the days when I am trapped in my office at work…
Well going to brave it, I don’t think I will melt.