Sunday, December 6, 2009

Making my Own Christmas Cards

Ryan went back home today, guess that is the suck (no pun intended from prior post) part of long distance relationships. I hope after him having a front row seat to all my idiot girl adventures he will be back sometime. My dad met me today to go shopping for my mom. She told me she wanted a gift card for the Sephora store. She loves that makeup.Around here this brand is only carried in the Sephora Shops at JC Pennys in the mall. I took my dad to two different malls looking for this store... neither one had it, the one said they will have it is Spring 2010. Well that does not do us any good now. This is not funny seeing as how neither me or my dad like shopping. My dad looks at me and says while we are getting in the car to go to the third mall ... will the Sephora store take the JC Penny gift cards sicne they are part of JC Penny... I did not know so I called the Sephora store and asked the associate if the Sephora shop will take the JC Pennys gift card, she said they did. Disaster avoided...So we went back in and he got a gift card dodging a trip to the other mall. I ran into Old Navy and got my sister a gift card while he was doing that. Then we went to Target and got my mom and the Wii Fit Plus. Now I just have to get something for my dad... and I have no idea what to get him. He likes gadgets and things... I will keep looking but since my sister is flying in on the 19th and we are having Christmas on the 20th, I dont have much time.

FYI: We went to Chilis and got some lunch, and I have to say that is the most disgusting cole slaw I have ever tasted.

He dropped me off back at the apartment and it is so quiet right now, Sable had a "Frosty Paw" and is now napping. I have been busy making Christmas Cards. Here is some of my handywork.

Yeah I was to lazy to focus.


  1. Nooter ~ you should add those to your Santa Paws wish list!

  2. Nice cards....

    I must say that this was one of your posts where you didn't really get into too much of a hassle. What's up? You feelin alright?
