uh... Well my Internet explorer stopped working and so I am not using FireFox, which I like but since I type my posts in MS word and then copy and past them to my blog I get errors. You know i don't know anything about this HTML stuff really, but i do notice that my post seem to randomly change font size and font in the middle of my posts. I wonder if it looks that way to you, or is it just this tricky FireFox? Maybe i should just start typing my posts directly into blogger. I typed this one directly into blogger so i bet it will be uniform.
Maybe blogger does not get along with MS Word, maybe they used to date. Maybe FireFox does not like Blogger or MS Word... was it just too awkward after the threesome? Why is spellchecker trying to change Firefox to Fairfax? I may never know. I bet this will keep me up tonight just wondering. Great, now i will not be able to sleep.
I was in the doghouse yesterday.I woke up and I was not feeling great but since I bailed on Sable’s walk Saturday I promised her I would take her Sunday.I sat up and asked her if she was ready to go for a WALK and that was all I needed to say.She was ready to go.I got dressed, put my messy hair in a ponytail and tied my tennis shoes.I brushed my teeth while she dance around running between the bathroom and the door about 10 times, I am sure it was more, but I stopped counting.I grabbed her leash and the car keys opened the door and it was…raining.
I cannot explain the look I got from Sable.So I put down my keys and took her to the back door and walked her around the back yard area.She was tossing me glares the whole time.I think I saw her muttering her lips were moving…maybe she was snarling.
I hope tomorrow after work it is nice out so I can redeem myself
So tomorrow is a sad day for me.As it is the one-year mark that TNO left this earth.I know it seems silly to be sad over a loss of someone I never met, but some people leave a mark on your life even if distance or circumstance never allow you to converse in person.
I was at a really low spot in my life and I just could not seem to shake the funk that seemed to keep me so sad.I do not recall what I was searching for on the Internet that night but his blog popped up.I began to read a few of the posts and I was smiling… he wrote about things that happened to him or in the world around him, but no matter what it was he could turn it around and find the humor in it.I read his blog for about a month at least and then I decided maybe this blogging thing might do me some good, like theapy, but cheaper. I began my own blog…I never had any intension of anyone reading it but one day I got brave enough and posted a comment on one of his entries.There began a friendship and huge turning point in my life… we did not talk a lot but he helped me with tips and suggestions on my blog.He was a wonderful friend and a great person all around.
I just wanted to take a minute and remember him and what he did for me when I was pretty low.I don’t even know if I ever got a chance to thank him for how much he helped me out.I guess you tend to take people for granted and assume they will always be there to put a smile on your face.
I think the one thing I learned from TNO (I don’t even know his name) is that bad things happen all the time, it may take a little extra effort but if you can look at it with a little humor and a positive spin, maybe just maybe it is not so bad after all.
"The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, not to worry about the future, or not to anticipate troubles, but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly."
I went to my mom and dads on Wednesday night. My dad was with my grandma at the hospital. My mom had the women over because it was her night to host bunko (it is a dice game). There was 12 women in the same house all drinking wine. It was loud and crazy. These women were older, but they made any bar I have been to in the last few months look tame. I was going to hop in my mom's car and go relieve my dad at the hospital and sit with my grandma a bit. My mom told me to sit, i felt bad she looked like she was a little frazzled. I ended up learning how to play bunko, but more importantly I made it out alive. These women were drunk and crazy.
Thursday morning I got up early and helped my dad put a serpentine belt on my car. I officially know more about my car than any girl should. This belt was a bitch to get on the car. it has to loop around several parts, once we got it on the air conditioner, it would fall off the power steering... and it was a lot of cussing and holding the light just right but we finally got it on. My Dad then replaced the front breaks, rotated the tires and replaced the brake lights in the back. I believe he fixed a hole in the muffler and tightened the oil pan thingy that was leaking from the oil change.
My grandma is still in the hospital, and she told me i should be super jealous of the sexy gown she gets to wear. I told her to sneak one in her bag for me when she comes home, but she said she is sure it is one of a kind. She also told me she had to go since the male nurse was coming to her room later. I am glad she is in good spirits. They are keeping a close eye on the fluid in her lungs. I am hoping she can come home soon.
I had taken some time off work to go visit Canada.I could not wait to use my hideous terrorist looking passcard photo. I make the preparations get an oil change scheduled and was looking forward to getting out of this town for a while.
Roadblock 1: The new GPS I got for Christmas only covers the USA.You can go online and get a package of maps for Canada, no problem, but the package of maps is $100.00 that is just really not in my budget this month since once again I have procrastinated getting my taxes done. Good thing there is Mapquest.
Roadblock 2: I was on the way home from my mom and dads and I got a speeding ticket for 5 mph over the speed limit.That is really not in my budget either.Good thing I have not spent my tax money.
Roadblock 3: I take my car in to get the oil changed and it turns out not only did the oil need changed but My car has approximately $650.00 worth of repairs it needs prior to trying to drive it to Canada.The major thing is there is a crack in the serpentine belt thingy and if that breaks… well apparently your car will quit moving.Then the other major thing is that my front breaks are 85% worn… oh and there is a small hole in the muffler and the center break light in the back is out, and it needs a power steering fluid flush, and a coolant flush, and a break fluid flush…oh and the tires need to be rotated.
So my mom and dad being the greatest parents in the world that they are want me to bring my car to there house, I can take my mom’s trailblazer on the trip and my dad will fix my car while I am away.I told you they are the greatest parents ever!!!
Problems solved and I am packing in between typing.
I just called my mom to see if she has lime juice since I was going to make her and my dad some mango salsa before I left and she tells me my grandma is being admitted to the hospital.I have not told you all but a while ago my grandma moved in with my mom and dad since she seems to have lost her short-term memory.It was too dangerous for her to live on her own any longer.She would take her medications twice or forget what day it was or keep calling people, paying bills twice…
I go home every weekend to play cards with her and hang out with my parents and she is silly sometimes at the things she will say because she just does not remember stuff.It was sad when I was home last weekend and she though she was only at my parents house a few days.She has been there for months now.
Anyway, this may be a roadblock that I cannot overcome this time.I may be postponing my trip.I am certain this is going to be a huge disappointment to the person I was going to see, but if my family needs me to help out at this time I can not just up and leave.
I will be heading home in a few hours, I hope my grandma will be just fine and it is nothing serious, but I can’t help but think if it were nothing serious they would not have admitted her to the hospital.
Well I have seem to have gotten side tracked with making cards, instead of blogging. I will post tomorrow... i hope, I got lots to tell you ! I need to post my letter "G" in my photo blog too. I am such a slacker.
I know we are in tough economic times but the email I got at work on Monday just made me laugh. It appears someone is stealing rolls toilet paper from the woman’s bathrooms and taking it home.
My first thought is who would steal that cheap sandpaper-like toilet paper, but I guess sandpaper-like is better than none. By the time lunchtime rolled around some of my female co-workers had blown this whole thing WAY out of proportion (Some of the ladies I work with are huge drama queens and gossips). They had decided they should lock up their purses and hide the money from the snack box in the break room, because clearly a life of a harden criminal begins by stealing toilet paper.
I decided it was time for me to put an end to the drama, I went into the bathroom and I strategically placed two roll of toilet paper between my sweater and my blouse, looked in the mirror and admired my new larger cylinder boobs. I walked around the cubicles on my side of the office and proclaimed I was not the one stealing the toilet paper, and we had a good laugh.
When I got home later that day, I felt a little bad, as I was poking fun at someone I work with who must really be having a hard time in life to not be able to afford toilet paper.
I just can’t believe with how busy our department is that:
1. Someone has time to count rolls of toilet paper
2. Someone feels so wronged about it they need to report it to the manager
3. That my supervisor had to take the time to send an email to everyone
Sometimes I just don’t understand some women, they will find anything to bitch and moan about. If you feel that strongly about toilet paper ethics, bring your own damn roll. I am thinking sending that one email cost the bank more money due to loss of employee productivity that the rolls of TP that may or may not have left the building.