Saturday, March 20, 2010

Crazy Wednesday Night

I went to my mom and dads on Wednesday night. My dad was with my grandma at the hospital. My mom had the women over because it was her night to host bunko (it is a dice game). There was 12 women in the same house all drinking wine. It was loud and crazy. These women were older, but they made any bar I have been to in the last few months look tame. I was going to hop in my mom's car and go relieve my dad at the hospital and sit with my grandma a bit. My mom told me to sit, i felt bad she looked like she was a little frazzled. I ended up learning how to play bunko, but more importantly I made it out alive. These women were drunk and crazy.

Thursday morning I got up early and helped my dad put a serpentine belt on my car. I officially know more about my car than any girl should. This belt was a bitch to get on the car. it has to loop around several parts, once we got it on the air conditioner, it would fall off the power steering... and it was a lot of cussing and holding the light just right but we finally got it on. My Dad then replaced the front breaks, rotated the tires and replaced the brake lights in the back. I believe he fixed a hole in the muffler and tightened the oil pan thingy that was leaking from the oil change.

My grandma is still in the hospital, and she told me i should be super jealous of the sexy gown she gets to wear. I told her to sneak one in her bag for me when she comes home, but she said she is sure it is one of a kind. She also told me she had to go since the male nurse was coming to her room later. I am glad she is in good spirits. They are keeping a close eye on the fluid in her lungs. I am hoping she can come home soon.

1 comment:

  1. the human says to tell your dad to quit horning in on his action, hee hee!
