Random Female 1 was a little off her rocker, she believed people where in her house stealing her mail, she believed she had a cable guy trapped in her attic (i hope he truly is not there) and she said the FBI busted her windows and put the glass in her silverware drawer.
Random Male 2 is suffering from a cash flow problem, when i looked up the mortgage it was for approx. $550,000.00 and the second mortgage was for about $150,000.00 WOW... I really want to order an appraisal for this place... are the walls lined with cocaine and hookers?
but today has topped them all... this was the craziest thing I have come across yet. (names have been changed) I received some title work back for a TDR (troubled debt restructure) I am working on and it said "Dick Random formerly known as Jane Random and Jane Smith-Random" Yeah i had to read it twice. I looked on the system for "Dick Random" and he was listed also as "Random Dick / Jane" his alias was also listed as "Jane Random" and "Jane Smith-Random"
So after some research I discovered that he was born as a male, decided he wanted to be a female and changed his name. The he got married to a male which is where the "Smith" part comes in. Then he divorced the male took back his maiden name as Jane Random dropping the Smith part... and then i guess he decided he no longer wanted to be female and again changed his name to Dick Random... ok, are you ready for this? Now he is married again, but this time to a woman.
I am not judging him or anything but I am wondering what is going on in his head, it must be a very confusing place, why get married it you play ball for both teams? well maybe he has an open marriage and his current wife is ok with the whole thing. Wonder if she know he used to be a she and is now a he... i hope the only thing he changed was his name. That would suck if he decided to go though the surgery and pills and w/e else they do, just to decide he now wants his cock back.
wow i have got to stop thinking about all this. to each there own i am not here to judge but stuff like this just makes me curious, i bet i will be up all night puzzled about this. I wish i could just call him up and ask him about it. Then again curiosity killed the cat or something like that... maybe there are just some things in life idiot girls are not meant to understand.
for example why vibrators just stop working for no reason...
NO! I am still not over that.