Saturday, April 3, 2010

Hanging out with Grandma

I sat with my grandma most the morning I don’t ever remember her looking so frail and so small. I guess that is the way of it, we all get old, we all fall down. I was sitting there thinking the time passes by and you never get it back… you can’t have a do over. Things are not looking good for my grandma between the fluid on her lungs, her kidney, and her heart. I have never seen someone get out of breath sitting at a table peeling potatoes. In the time she peeled four potatoes, I have chopped up the onions, celery, and eggs for the potato salad. Eventually we got it done and then we played cards. She loves to play Rum or maybe Rummy I am not sure the name, she calls it rum. We must have played 10 hands at least, she makes faces at me when she don’t win. It is cute. She knows how to play the game and is quick at it, but when it comes to other things she has the memory of a goldfish and the little plastic castle is a surprise every time.

So I am at my parents this Easter weekend and Sable is having the time of her life, she gets to be outside all day long and off the leash to run, ahhh the benefits of having a huge yard. I feel bad that I live in an apartment now and she is so confined. It is not fair.

Well I better go back upstairs before they notice I am missing in action, I think we are going to watch the movie The Blindside.

P.S. Jessie James or w/e the heck his name is… is a moron for cheating on Sandra Bullock!


  1. old people are neat, they always have lots of snaks

    hooray for big backyards!

    morons-are-us is the fastest growing club in the world

  2. I have always said that we live life in a rental. In the end, we give it all back and take nothing but our memories with us.

    Enjoy what you can here while you have it.

    Here is hoping that your Grandma gets better!

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