Have you ever seen that movie “The Exorcism of Emily Rose”? Well if you had you might understand why I was freaked out to wake up at exactly 3:00am. Some believe that 3:00 AM is the "witching hour," which evil spirits use to mock the Holy Trinity. Significantly, it is the opposite of 3:00 PM, traditionally taken to be the hour at which Jesus died. SO… in my mind if something bad is going to happen to me I feel it have a greater chance of occuring at 3:00am. In poor Emily’s case: Alone in her dorm room one night, at 3:00 AM, Emily catches on to a strange burning smell coming from the hallway. When she checks on it, she sees the door open and shut by itself several times. When she goes back to her room, she sees a jar of pencils and pens move by itself. Additionally, her covers roll themselves down and a great weight seems to press down on her, a force which also proceeds to choke her and seemingly to possess her. Anyway back to me… I wake up and it is 3:00am I don’t smell anything burning so I figure I am ok. (you know this is why I should not be allowed to watch scarey movies, that might be a whole other post in itself) I turn on the TV to distract myself and wander right into a very different kind of hell. Infomercial Hell. Due to chanel flipping for approx 30 mins I wanted to buy more Core Rythems, a Sleep Number Bed, a Oreck, Bare Minerals, The Cricket, a case of 5 Hour Energy, Rosetta Stone, Flirty Girl Fitness, and a Bowflex. CALL NOW! No thanks I will turn off the TV before I do smell burning, the burning of plastic of credit cards. My next thought was to text Ryan, I know your thinking that is rude, however R stands for Ryan, and Random. Ryan is very random and may or may not be up at this hour. I mean lets face it the guy has a “Silkie” as a pet. And for those of you who do not know (like me who had to google it) a Silkie bantam chicken is an ancient breed, originating from China and Japan. Yes, he has a pet chicken. The thought alone makes me want to sneeze. They look like lil puffballs.

I love scary movies, but I end of so freaked out afterwards! A chicken is a hell of a pet... definately don't know anyone with one of those.
ReplyDeleteif i want a 3am snak i have to get up and get it myself, in fact i could help myself to an entire seven-course dinner and the human would sleep right through it. not that ive ever tried. ever.
ReplyDeleteWhat time zone is it there? Because you know if it is 3AM where you are it's different somewhere else, so no need to be scared-lol.
ReplyDeleteYes, I've seen that movie and yes I've been startled awake at 0300 only to freak myself out even more. Like you, I didn't smell burning so I assumed I was in the clear.
ReplyDeleteGood to know I'm not the only freak.
Should have turned it to the oxygen channel. They at least sell dildos and other fun stuff at that hour.
Haven't seen that movie yet, and now I'm wondering if I should. It has infomercials in it? Yikes...oh, wait, I was reading too quickly again.
ReplyDeleteAny time, though, you need to share your nocturnal mind wanderings, we're here for you. :)
OMG! One of our kids has a Silkie as a pet! You're the first person I've seen ever that even knows what one is! I also scrapbook! AND I love scary movies but it's not a good idea for me to watch them either!