Work has been very stressful lately people are still not back to work or finding jobs so it is tough, they really don’t want to lose their homes there were almost 200 loans more than 3 months past due in my queue alone!!! You want to know what made me feel like complete crap today… It is that the home I am getting ready to send to foreclosure belongs to a 90 and 93-year-old couple. Where in the hell are they supposed to go? I feel like crap… this is the part of my job I dislike the most. It is not the people that feel like they are entitled, it is not the people who went out and bought the home of their dreams for ½ the cost then let the home they were living in go back to the bank, it is not ever the people that call and yell at me like I am hard of hearing or I am the sole reason for the housing crisis. I feel the worse when bad shit happens to people who are really struggling… So I am hoping I can plead with committee on Thursday and cut some sort of deal so they can stay in their home. I hope like hell when I am 90 that I don’t have any debt looming over me.
End rant…
Anyway Sable’s blood work came back perfect. I am so excited to hear that. So I talked to the vet and he said that it looking like an age related loss of sight. I still need to take her back in 2 months for a re-check to see how fast it is progressing. So I will make sure to do that… maybe I will have to get her some Doggles.
This morning I was so tired I had to stop at 7-11 for a slurpee… it is a caffeine rush and the nectar of the gods…Oh Thank Heaven for 7-11. I have been hopped up on nose spray for my allergies and not able to sleep at night which sucks during the day.
Sunday I went to my mom and dad’s to visit Mothers day was awesome I made my mom a ton of greeting cards that she could use for her friends, she was excited about it. We had a good time just hanging out. My dad was in a good mood too. The lilac tree was in full bloom and even though it makes me sneeze I love that smell, it reminds me of home. I miss home especially when it is quiet here and no one to talk to.
It is too quiet.
Good night
…and stay tuned I am sure I will have more idiot girl adventures.
You know? That is exactly how I feel about blogging right just feels forced. That was a good choice of words.
ReplyDeleteSorry about your Job...yeah that sucks to have to foreclose on that couple but hey...who signed on the dotted line to begin with?
Glad to hear about the pooch! Good news indeed!