Laurie Notaro is the author of The Idiot Girls' Action-Adventure Club... I feel I am a card carrying member. These are my adventures.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Jail Break
It read:
September 14, 2009
Dear Idiot Girl,
Blah… blah… blah…Downtown development…blah…blah...unpaid parking tickets in 2008…blah blah... you have 14 days to pay [begins counting in fingers-uh oh! today is the 14th day hope that means business days] …blah blah...reported to the police….warrant issued…..arrest….revoked drivers license…blah blah blah..additional $45 dollar fee….
I went to city hall today and paid for all the parking tickets I had received in 2008 and two in 2009. It was a pretty hefty bill so it looks like Sable and I will be living on noodles for the next two weeks, but that has got to be better than prison food, and with my idiot girl luck that is where I would be, and orange is just not my color.
Actually I am kind of glad I have it resolved and hopefully there is no warrant for me, I think I will keep the paid receipt in my glove box for a while just to be safe.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Nothing Lasts Forever
Sunday was quiet for me, just reading and listening to some Rumi. Thought I would share.
Nothing lasts forever
No one lives forever
Keep that in mind…
In love
Our life is not the same old burden
Our path Is not the same long journey
A flower fades and dies
We must pause to weave perfection in music
Keep that in mind…
In love
Love droops towards its sunset we drown in the golden shadows
Love must be called from its plane
Love must be born again to be free
Keep that in mind…
In love
Let us hurry to gather our flowers before they are plundered by the passing winds
It quickens our blood and brightens our eyes to snatch kisses that would vanish if we delayed
Our life is eager
Our desires are many
Our time moves by
Keep that in mind…
In love
Beauty is sweet for a short time
And then it is gone
Knowledge is precious
But we will never have time to complete it
All is done and finished in eternal Heaven
But our life here is eternally fresh
Keep that in mind…
In love
Friday, September 25, 2009
I don’t understand why there is so much pressure to be skinny. I have watched models on TV and when they turn sideways you can’t even see them. How in the hell do they cross the street safely? I guess that explains the over sized purses so you don’t completely lose a visual on them when they turn to the side.
It could get mildly annoying if one minute you are standing there talking to them and the next the have fallen between the cracks in the sidewalk.
I guess on the up side for males they can buy a piece of lettuce for dinner and their date would be all set for the night. Cheap dates are great right?
Dinner for four
Of course sex is probably better with a skeleton you could get in all these crazy positions, protruding bones could just add to the “I like my pleasure spiked with pain” type of person. I don’t know, I think if I was that skinny I would miss my boobs… a lot. Of course you can get fake boobs, and you might as well get fake hair and nails too, since lettuce does not really contain all the vitamins and minerals needed to sustain healthy nail and hair growth.
In conclusion I don’t think being model skinny is all it is cracked up to be.
“Well at least I am doing better than you”
“Why are you at work?”
“Don’t you feel good?”
“You sound sick”
It is clear I am not going to make any progress at work if I have to answer questions or explain why I am there all day long.
“Well I came in today because I thought work would make me feel better”
“I thought talking all day on the phone would bring my voice back”
Yeah…it just does not make sense
Hell I did not even know why I was at work so how could I explain it to them. I emailed my boss and left, stuck out my tongue at the parking nazi as I got in the car. Sable was so excited when I got home; until I curled up on the couch with this book I just got called “The Host”. I woke up every 2 hours last night…Each time I woke up Sable was staring at me. The first time I took her out. The next time I woke up I noticed she was staring at her water dish and then me. The third time she wanted to go out again probably since she was out of water again. It was a rough night so maybe I will take a nap instead
Wow I want pizza.
Ok… nap then pizza.
I don’t foresee any idiot girl adventures today, but who knows…I’ll keep you posted
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Where is the world is my passport?
It is off traveling to exotic places without me. I mean why else could it take so long to get here? Are US Passports made in China and someone is walking over to hand deliver it to me?
Theory 2
The picture they took of me at the post office was so bad that they immediately rejected my passport on the grounds that I look too scary, kind of like a terrorist.
Maybe it is being passed around to all the Government offices so everyone gets a chance to laugh at the picture.
Theory 3
I have too many unpaid parking tickets and my passport application was denied.
Theory 4
It is in my mailbox still since I have not picked up my mail at all this week.
So it was a good thing I did not have to be somewhere that required a passport in a hurry. I hope it gets here before I am 50, and need a walker to go anywhere.
Hurry up Passport people!
Damn it!
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Hi! Remember Me?
So last Wednesday I started a class, I thought it would be fun and exciting, and trust me it is, but it is a lot of work too. There is a lot to remember and a lot to learn. I drove to my parent’s house today to get some inspiration and help with my first assignment. Now I am happy with the way some of the pictures turned out, and I have to report back to class on Wednesday. My assignment was to take 7 pictures… So here we go I will show you what I have so far. Now I actually had to take my camera off autopilot. These are the first pictures I have taken in program mode. I am happy for constructive criticism, but assholes need not comment, because frankly mean people suck.
On another note I finally beat my dad at Wii bowling and got “pro” status, which gave me a sparkly ball. I am so excited. Anyway I am sleepy now, so gonna go tuck myself in.
Hope you all have a good night.