Sunday, September 27, 2009

Nothing Lasts Forever

Sunday was quiet for me, just reading and listening to some Rumi. Thought I would share.

Nothing lasts forever
No one lives forever
Keep that in mind…
In love
Our life is not the same old burden
Our path Is not the same long journey
A flower fades and dies
We must pause to weave perfection in music
Keep that in mind…
In love
Love droops towards its sunset we drown in the golden shadows
Love must be called from its plane
Love must be born again to be free
Keep that in mind…
In love
Let us hurry to gather our flowers before they are plundered by the passing winds
It quickens our blood and brightens our eyes to snatch kisses that would vanish if we delayed
Our life is eager
Our desires are many
Our time moves by
Keep that in mind…
In love
Beauty is sweet for a short time
And then it is gone
Knowledge is precious
But we will never have time to complete it
All is done and finished in eternal Heaven
But our life here is eternally fresh
Keep that in mind…
In love


  1. I admit I'm not much of a poetry person but this one sums things up beautifully. I really liked it.

  2. Miles Per Hour ~
    Rumi poems are pretty great, I know i usually don't post stuff like this but i was feeling a little reflective today. I guess even idiot girls get the blues sometimes.
