Sunday, September 20, 2009

Hi! Remember Me?

So I have become somewhat of an anti-social hermit, I don’t know why I keep losing direction lately, probably due to the fact that I do not have a GPS. Work has been challenging, I mean I like it but I have to admit it is the hardest job I have ever had.
So I have not blogged...
shame on me...
On a positive note I finally got my taxes done. YAY!

So last Wednesday I started a class, I thought it would be fun and exciting, and trust me it is, but it is a lot of work too. There is a lot to remember and a lot to learn. I drove to my parent’s house today to get some inspiration and help with my first assignment. Now I am happy with the way some of the pictures turned out, and I have to report back to class on Wednesday. My assignment was to take 7 pictures… So here we go I will show you what I have so far. Now I actually had to take my camera off autopilot. These are the first pictures I have taken in program mode. I am happy for constructive criticism, but assholes need not comment, because frankly mean people suck.

First I had to take a picture of "Up" so I saw this flag. I like the simple background and I feel it is a strong enough subject matter to be kinda centered.

The next picutre was "Down" first my dad started to say something about climbing up on the roof, and i think as soon as he said it he remembered who he was dealing with and thought i better stay on the ground, so we found a bridge and took a picture of the waters below. I used the leaves as a frame

Next was "Quiet" I went to the cemetary, you just can't get much quieter than that. I used ISO 100 since it was sunny and no movement.

Next is "Noise" Motorcycles are loud!

I play the flute so i thought this was perfect for the "Music" shot, I actually like the shadow, not sure if i will get marked down for that or not.

The next shot was "Conservative " My mom had the idea that clipping coupons is pretty conservative.

L is for "Liberal" and lottery tickets.

Now I am not sure about liberal – the lottery ticket and conservative with the coupon clipping, so if you have any other suggestions I am happy to hear them. If you have any knowledge to share or websites that may help me in this class please e-mail me at

On another note I finally beat my dad at Wii bowling and got “pro” status, which gave me a sparkly ball. I am so excited. Anyway I am sleepy now, so gonna go tuck myself in.

Hope you all have a good night.
---> on a side note i don't know why there are gaps in this post, in edit mode there is no space. So i dont where the space came from, it is very annoying to me... but going back and forth to edit > post > edit > post > edit > post... arrrggggh! oh well please ignore the space and just pretend it is not there.


  1. Great job on the pictures. I like the "quiet" one the best.

  2. Those are good pics! Glad you are have been missed.

  3. Candice ~ Yeah i think i like that one the best too, i like how that one turned out alot too.

    Joker ~ Thanks, I am sure i will improve, well that is the goal anyway. It is good to be back. I will try to start posting a little more often.

  4. I like the flag and the flute shots best. The way the light highlights the flag is really nice.
