Friday, October 1, 2010

Nothing Exciting

This weekend is going to be busy.  I have plans tonight and tomorrow I need need to work for a few hours to make up some time from my checkup yesterday.  My doctor had ordered lab work back in July when I had an allergic reaction to something and my cheek turned bright red, and I was a bad girl and never went.  Well she made me go yesterday.  They took the blood and i really did not feel it, that nurse was damn good.  When she took out the needle and held the gauze there with pressure.  When she picked it up the blood came gushing out, well I happened to be looking at it, and this is when i passed out.  I had to sit there for an additional 20 minutes to make sure I was OK to drive home.  Well with the wait and drama my 1 hour lunch turned into 2 hours so gonna make it up tomorrow. 

I am going on a road trip with my parents on Sunday up north to take some awesome pictures I hope.  Should be fun, they know I want to go but do not want me going alone... which I can understand.  There are some strange things that happen at State Parks. I do not want an alien anal probe. 

Also I just got this book called Eat This, Not That.  I wanted to share a few things with you from the drink section.  You would be surprised the things that are marketed to be good for you are actually not.  Do you know people who drink that Rockstar Energy drink (One can 16 fl. oz)?  They are drinking the same amount of sugar as 6 Krispy Kreme Original Glazed Doughnuts.

I found this interesting as well:

SoBe Green Tea (1 bottle, 20 fl oz)

240 calories
0 g fat
61 g sugars
Sugar Equivalent: 4 slices Sara Lee Cherry Pie
Leave it to SoBe to take an otherwise healthy bottle of tea and inject it with enough sugar to turn it into dessert. Composed of 11 flavors with names like “Nirvana” and “Cranberry Grapefruit Elixir,” is marketed to give consumers the impression that it can cleanse the body, mind, and spirit. Don’t be fooled. Just like this bottle of green tea, all of these beverages are made with two primary ingredients: water and sugar.
Check you labels folks.


  1. Aww, well I hope you have fun on your trip and that making up work won't be too much trouble.

    And that "Eat This, Not That" book is AMAZING (and a little horrifying). My mom has that one and all of its cousins; they're definitely books every food enthusiast should read/own.

  2. @ Nicole - I ended up working 5 hours. I need a nap.

  3. I think I'll stick with the pie.. mmmmm I love pie...

  4. @ The Savage - How many push ups does pie cost you?

  5. There must be youth a plenty on this page because I guarantee you after 55 you just eat when you're hungry. It's also the time of life when Habanero peppers become slightly sweet.

  6. I love that series of books, enjoy flipping through them.

    It's funny how energy drinks can by with marketing because they are not called "high calorie" drinks, but instead are "energy".

    I'll save my empty calories for the donuts - eat some, feel a little guilty and then work out extra hard, hopefully coming out a little bit ahead.

  7. Sorry to hear about your blood experience, passing out always sucks.

    I’ve seen a few of the selections from that book and it is dead on. The best advice anyone can give you is to not eat anything with over 5 ingredients and to mostly eat 1 ingredient foods (whole foods) like fresh meat, fruits and veggies. All the packaged foods and drinks are garbage.

  8. @ TWM - I don't think I could handle Habanero peppers.

    @ Marcus - Thanks for stopping by Marcus. I think that is a good idea if you want something have a small portion just adjust the rest of your day and make sure to burn it off.

    @ Scott - Thanks for the tip and I agree packaged foods are loaded with sodium and other junk.
