Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Bunny Slippers Saved my Life

I was tired and I don’t really know how it happened (looks at Sable) but the plate I had a piece of pizza on was now on the floor. Well I did not notice it was down there till I went to stand up and stepped on it. It busted in a million pieces and I was so lucky to have my bunny slippers on. I know if I had not had them on glass shards would have went into my foot and I would have passed out. Maybe I need to be a little more careful. I tried to pick up some pieces but they were so tiny so I picked up what I could and vacuumed up the rest. As I was vacuuming after my near death experience I took a look at my life and have decided I need to live each moment to the fullest and go to the grocery store and get some paper plates that way if Sable decides to steal a plate all I am in danger of is a paper cut and I have pirate band aids that will handle that.

Note: No bunnies were harmed in the posting of this blog.

1 comment:

  1. arrgh - yaal be needin them bandaids for papercuts n such
