Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Jury Duty

I was selected to serve for a period of at least one half month of Jury Duty.
Have you ever received one of these letters? It looks very official you must do this, you must do that…if you do not it will result in contempt proceedings against you. This could include fines and a warrant for your arrest. I was scared. So beginning on February 1st I had to call every night to see if I had to report. So far so good my panel has not been needed. I am wondering if Sable and I are going to get put up in some dump hotel like in that movie “Jury Duty” I hope Pauly Shore is not in my panel…. I don’t think Sable and Peanut would get along, I don’t think she likes the Peanut call. Anyway I hope I don’t have to go in. I don’t think a courtroom is the best place for an idiot girl in action.

1 comment:

  1. i got called for jury duty last month. fortunately my boss got me out of it. unfortunately, it probably would have been more fun sitting on a jury than doing what i was doing...
