came out with the following top 10 list and I felt I had to put in my own two cents. You can find the original comments to the list there. I can't link it at this time because I don’t even know how I ended up there. Anyway just so we are clear… list is theirs, comments are mine.
No.10 - Great sex comes naturally
Remember way back when you were a virgin. You watch a show on HBO or SKINimax and thought sex was this wonderful grand thing. Moans, kissing, foreplay, touching, licking, and finally the big O. Yeah what a huge disappointment that was. I have to agree with them on this one. I feel it rarely comes naturally. I mean accidents are bound to happen… let me just list a few for you from my own sexcapades.
- cops knocking on car window
- spilling lube on him
- kneeing him in the gut… hey it is better than in the balls.
This was never in the movies.
No.9 - Men have more sexual urges than women
This is busted and I agree… Men get headaches too. Or you are trying to get romantic and they fart and try to push you under the covers. Even if you can fit in your HS cheerleading uniform if football is on TV forget it. Unless you can fit it in the time frame of a commercial.
No.8 - After a certain age, sex is no longer important
Busted and I agree…Sex is always important unless it is going to cause you to have a heart attack and die or something, which I guess if you are old and rich maybe that is your partners plan. Have you changed your will recently?
No.7 - Viagra is the answer
I don’t know if this one is busted… If you can’t get it up Viagra might be the answer. I have no idea what men did before it. Can they use one of those penis pumps and pump it up? Maybe they just did not have sex.
No.6 - Size matters
Again, I don’t know if I agree with this. If you have no skill you better have a huge cock to fall back on. If you know what you are doing and can keep it exciting size is not going to make much of a difference.
No.5 - Certain foods can put you in the mood
I agree… Busted. If you eat tiger penis you will be ready for love. Rawr! I don’t care I can be ready for love with out digesting a tiger penis. Beside if your man saw you chewing on any kind of penis I think it would send him running. Now food might set the mood if you are eating it off his/her body.
No.4 - Oral sex is safer than vaginal and anal sex
I agree, this is busted. Choking comes to mind, or accidental teeth, what if there are braces involved. I think you should take care when having oral sex. What if he has no idea what he is doing while he is going down on you, it could be painful. Nothing kills the mood faster than shouting directions or hearing him hum the ABC song… it is killing the mood. Compose your thesis instead.
No.3 - Premature ejaculation only affects young men
I don’t know if this is busted or not. I stay away from young men. I have never had any experience with this problem. If this is an issue I feel like you should just fuck more, build up endurance. Practice makes perfect… and who minds practicing sex.
No.2 - Fantasizing about someone else is a bad thing
Of course it is bad… he should only be thinking about me. That is all I have to say about that. I am just kidding, fantasizing and role-playing can only add to the excitement.
No.1 - Women can't get pregnant if a man pulls out
BUSTED! Duh… really was there someone who did not know this?