Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Killing me softly with their songs!!!

The receptionist at one of my offices is a pop music junkie. I feel a little weird about calling her just “the receptionist” because she does so many other things too. Long gone are the days were you just had one clearly defined job, now you wear many hats and at the same time. I went from having a single job title to having three. I guess this is when I felt the need for a job change.

…anyway back to the pop princess, which I find odd because she is a grandma and a few years older than me but she still listens to pop music, goes to the bar, and loves to get her groove on. Most people I know older than me are into a different genre and don’t listen to rap or pop at all. (Note: I said most not all; I am not here to stereotype people 40+)

She comes in around 8:00am and at 9:00 she is jammin’ I don’t mind this at all, as I like most music and my rock music or indie music is not quite office friendly lyrically speaking. At least at this local pop station she listens to they beep out the swear words. My discontent is with the retarded morning show…do these people not know how to space out songs or do they just cycle between 4 different songs all morning long.

Taylor Swift – Love Song - They play this song so much that I despise this girl for recording it, her voice is like nails on a chalkboard to me, and I seriously have to refrain from pitching the radio through the plate glass window and pulling my own hair out…I now understand why some people start cutting, to get rid of the pain.

Akon – I don’t know what this song is called but all it says over and over again is “I want to make love right now now now” – repeat in the area of 5000 times. I am certain this is on a karaoke for dummies cd somewhere. I mean you can’t possibly mess up the lyrics. I used to like Akon but now he drives me nuts.

Spears – Yes he is a Womanizer, get over it. I now get home and this song is forever stuck in my head. I have started signing it to my dog Sable…. Sableizer…Sableizer…your just a Sableizer!

Who is the guy that signs “Love Lock Down” “Your Loves Locked Down” la la la “Love Lock Down” omg… make it stop.

Now, it is not the artists fault that I now detest them, and isn’t the radio supposed to sate my inner music slut??? Well thank you Local Morning Show, you have destroyed any glimmer of hope I had for enjoying music in the morning instead of silence. For Fucks Sakes!!! get some new DJs that can handle more than 4 songs at a time…my ears are bleeding. I think I will go back to silence or just shut my office door and spin my own tunes.


  1. love locked down ...the MAN himself... haha the self-professed asswad. Kanye West.

  2. Womanizer came on in the car last weekend and my friend started singing it with a Russian accent, as in, "Vomanizer, vomanizer..." and it's been stuck in our heads since. I can totally relate to the hell you're going through!

  3. My sister's birthday is Thursday, so I called her to get her address and told her I was sending a check because I didn't have the time to get her a present this year. She said great, I'm going to buy the new Britney Spears CD. My fiance overheard this and wanted to tear up the check. He didn't want our money buying Britney.

  4. that was always one of my biggest complaints about the radio. xm is only slightly better with the repetition but there i pay for that privilege

  5. Orion - Kanye...yes now I remember.

    Ms. Salti - LMFAO that is too funny. [/comfort]

    Liz - I am gonna have to side with your fiance on this one. LOL

    Jamie - I was wondering if those stations were any better. My parents have that in their ride I was impressed by the card with all the stations. I may have to break down and get an ipod

  6. It could be worse, you could be listening to 80's metal because your husband has been unable to move on to the present time.

  7. I like to think that I know a little about music, but I don't know a single one of those songs. I get the feeling that's a good thing!

  8. I absolutely hate going to the grocery store and listening to their pop music. When Time in a Bottle comes on, I race to the checkout.

  9. Pop radio is a great source of blog fodder, because it's so freaking inane. :)

  10. Listen to Black Sabbath...

    ...that is all...

  11. hey igia, whered ya go!? stop playin video games and write somethin new already!

  12. Candice - Tell him that was Hair and Gone.

    AFM - It is a very good thing. I don't listen to alot of main stream. I like Esthero, Iio, Frou Frou, Mandaly, Sia, Imogen Heap, too many more to mention I could make a whole post.

    PHFL - ugh grocery store music is the worst

    Unfinished - I bet it can. Thanks for reading and commenting

    Brad - Rock On!

    Nooter - do you have a apy cam here? How did you know i was playing?

