Saturday, February 7, 2009

R is for RAWR!!!

I got the letter R from “GottaLoveMe” stop by and check out her blog, I am sure she will have some exciting posts when she gets back from her family vacation at Disney.

Well without futher delay here are my R words.

Racy – Because I can be a bit racy at times underneath my innocent exterior

Resilient – No matter what happens or how long I am down I seem to find a way to bounce back

Revel – I like to raise hell

Ridiculous – I get into the most ridiculous situations

Rogue – I like to travel against the current

Ramble – I digress a lot (have you read my blog)

Rain – I want to go dance in the rain (naked)

Rare – I am one of a kind

Random – I am totally random at times

Rawr – Grrr baby Grrrrr!

If you want a letter let me know. I will send one your way.


  1. Very nice!! Thanks for playing...and thanks or sending people my way! My blogs aren't that exciting, but if you read some of the comments, there have been some good cat fights! LOL

  2. Your blogs are very exciting. i enjoy reading very much.

  3. Sadly I immediately recognized that 'R'. So is that why those people were taking that weird picture at California Adventure? Ask her if she saw me there.

    Hmm. I have to agree with...

    Rain- except I would rather make out in it!
    Random and Ramble- That is so me. Oh, and ridiculous.
