I got a new cell phone. You would not believe how hard it is to fine a cell phone that will just make a damn phone call. I don't want a phone where I have to pay an addition $30 for a data plan. I have other sources for that. Believe it or not I want a phone to place phone calls... go figure.
Well I like the new phone the only problem is when people call I hang up on them. Not on purpose of course it is totally an accident. I think on my old phone the send and end buttons where on the opposite sides or maybe it is the fact that on my razor they are red and green. I am sure I will get it figured out soon... so until then if you want to get hung up on give me a call.
On a more interesting note I have stumbled on a site where you can
get high (without drugs).
So if you are stuck inside on a rainy day or bored go check it out. There are sound ones too but they work best with headphones.
"How It Works - Created in 1981 by artist Isia Leviant, the painting titled Engima has long stumped scientists. Nobody knew why the lines appeared to jitter, how the concentric circles could move, or what exactly it was that gave us this two-dimensional illusion its appearance of depth. Why did we feel so sucked in to the painting? Then in November 2008, neuroscientists at Barrow Neurological Institute in Phoenix, Arizona, discovered most of the blame goes to the microsaccades, the tiny involuntary movements that occur naturally in the eyes at various times.
Barrow researchers gathered three subjects and placed each in a chair in front of Enigma. As subjects gazed into the psychedelic cluster of lines and circles, cameras took 500 pictures per second of their eyes. Subjects pressed a button when they noticed the lines in Enigma as stationary; they let go of the button when the lines began jittering again. What researchers found was that the painting appears to “jitter” when microsaccades increased; it appeared stationary as the microsaccades ceased. These involuntary movements in our eyes were, at least in part, giving Enigma its illusion of movement. " (copied and pasted from the