Saturday, August 14, 2010


I used to polish up nicely.
Now I flash bright smiles and pretend everything is ok.
I get a little further from perfection…each minute and every day
I open my eyes in the morning just to discover I am disintegrating.
Some days it is harder to hide than others.
Harsh words and actions corrode my happiness

Disappointments, leading to salty tears cause my heart to rust.

The love, joy and happiness that once was there, eroded away.
I lay here weakened praying for some type of restoration

…someone not afraid to touch me where I am rusty

…someone who will scrape and chip until I bleed
…someone to make me feel a new dream, a new love without pain.


  1. "someone to make me feel a new dream, a new love without pain."-Yeah, I like this...

  2. @ Gypsy Lala - Thank you, not my usual style of writing, i try to twist things funny here. I did enjoy writing and choosing the words. Thank you for stopping by.

  3. Hey Siren, excellent magpie! Kinda sad though. :(

  4. @ TUC Thanks, yours is better. I am just not a great writer like that.

  5. oh this is a beautiful take ont eh your pic as well...i think in many ways we all long for someone like that...nice mag...

  6. @ Brian Miller - Thank you and so glad you stopped by

    @ Tumblewords - me too
