Thursday, August 5, 2010

The New and Improved Ceiling?

My bedroom ceiling is still not fixed, here it is now... I think I preferred the smaller hole that was there before.

and my floor....

I would just like to be able to sleep in my bed sometime this month. The couch is great, it is just not as comfortable.
All I can say is they better not try to raise my rent next month when it is time to renew my lease.


  1. I would be worried that monsters or ghosts might be up there. ;)

  2. @ The Urban Cowboy - If there are monsters and ghosts up there, they better stay the hell up there. Thanks... now I will be watching my back till they get it sealed up. Though I don't think dry wall and spackle are very effective at keeping monsters and ghosts away. Great my word verification is "looketti" as in LOOK ETTI... Yetti... maybe there is a Yetti up there.

  3. See...I just KNEW there was something waiting to come creeping out in the middle of the night.

    I had no idea it was a Yetti though! That's way worse than even I imagined.

    I would!
