Yesterday was not a good day for me. I woke up late probably due to the fact that I hit the snooze button on my cell in the area of 30 times. Sable seemed to take an extra long time wading through the snow sniffing each flake to decide which one to poop on....
What is up with that anyway, what was she smelling for? What smell is worthy of her to poop on? I mean does she poop on the spot she chooses because it smells funky or because it smells good and she wants to make it funky. I don’t understand her logic, but I am certain she does not understand mine either. I guess fair is fair
....anyway where was I, oh yeah. So I get dressed which takes me too long because I have two closets full of nothing to wear. I finally find something and then run into the bathroom, I don’t know what the hell I dreamed about but my hair was out of control. I brush it and run out the door only to slip and fall on my ass in the snow, not a good day to wear a skirt. I am sure I swore and got up my purse was full of snow and so was my sweater and skirt. I finally get to work and I will be the first to admit I was a complete bitch. We have this new time card system, mind you I have worked for this company for 7 years and never punched a time clock now all the sudden we have to punch in. Not only do we have to punch in but it is on the computer. So I get to work on time have to wait for the computer to start up then sign in not once, but twice. Then I have to sign into the site to actually punch in. So I was to work on time but now I punched in 7 minutes late, which is crap. So by 8:15am I was in complete RAWR mode and I did not even have Carnation Instant Bitch for Breakfast.
I am glad Wednesday is over.
Hump day can kiss my ass!!!