Monday, January 19, 2009

Tiny Bubbles

It was a normal relaxing Sunday, had a few dishes to do but no big deal, so I tossed them in the dishwasher, started it and went to the couch to watch some TV. About 5 minutes later I see Sable backing out of the kitchen slowly.

Now I see Sable do some pretty wacky stuff, but she normally does not go in reverse. As soon as she rounded the corner so did a ton of bubbles. It was a growing blob of bubbles covering the kitchen floor.

Note to self: When out of dishwashing detergent do not substitute dish soap!


  1. A co-worker of mine did this not long ago! Too funny!! Not so fun cleaning it up, but I bet your floor was squeaky clean!!

  2. Gottaluvme - Great to hear from you, and yes it is very clean. hope you are doing well.

  3. Yah, I've done that before! Not a pretty sight! LOL

    Word verification below....pshing I do that often! PSH! So I guess that word describes what I am doing/saying sometimes. LOL

  4. Yep, that's a messy lesson to learn.

  5. I hope you didn't use as much dish soap as you normally use for dishwasher detergent!

    The last time I made that mistake, it took five HOURS to clean up!

  6. once you make this mistake once - you'll never do it again! i cringe remembering when we did this same thing...

  7. JJ - so glad to discover i am not alone. pffft!

    AFM - uh huh, ima a messy girl

    Jorm - I am scared to start the damn thing, i am worried it will errupt again.

    Melissa - you are right! I will never do that again.

  8. Hee hee hee - Now that's funny.

    Word Verification: Pills - I think it's trying to tell us something.
