Sunday, January 11, 2009


I believe in everything until it's disproved. So I believe in fairies, the myths, and dragons. It all exists, even if it's in your mind. Who's to say that dreams and nightmares aren't as real as the here and now?
~John Lennon

I think it is high time to introduce you to the faeries in my life. I bet you are thinking I am completely nuts but that is ok.

Reverse Razzberry – she has been around since I can remember, and as of late she keeps turning my seatbelt buckle around in my car forcing me to wear it twisted. Every time I fix it, it is flipped around again. This is no easy feat to get that belt twisted back around in that small slit it feeds through, so needless to say I give up.

Glitch – This fairy roams from my computer to my cell phone, He especially pisses me off when he messes with my computer at work when I am trying to punch in.

Hobyah (rhymes with phobia)– He lurks around creating bumps and noise in the dark and is especially active after I watch a scary movie. Ok maybe this one just exists through my collection of fears.

Indi – He is the one who will not let me make up my mind. He shows up causing me great indecision when I am asked things like where I want to go eat or what movie I want to see.

Slip – She is always with me and is the one I blame for most of my idiot girl adventures. She makes breakables slippery and shoes slippery…and major slips of the tongue. Her specialty is the Freudian slip, which often reveals way too much about myself.

Tangle – This is my bad hair day faery, need I say more?

Smuckers – This is the faery who lives in my kitchen and ALWAYS assures that the toast I just put jelly on falls face down. I think he teams up with Slip in a lot of cases.

So there now you know a few of my faery friends, I am sure you have your own. Leave me a comment and tell me which ones visit you.


  1. Looks like you need to get new Faeries ... the ones you have now are mean LOL.. I'll try and find you new faeries .. but i dont think that will be easy...Or shop around hahha Kmart/wal-mart might be a good place to look ..but good luck :X :-*

  2. a couple follow me around too, theres smeh who emits foul smells like wet hair and poopy gas and theres nok who knocks things off every table i walk by. sometimes if i run really fast i can escape them for a short time.

  3. Matt - i dont want the kinda faeries that hang out at Kmart or Wal-mart they just set on your should and tell you to buy things you dont need. Thanks anyway.

    Nooter - You sound like you attrack the same type of mischivious faeries i do, too bad you don't have faeries that give you ear noogies and snaks!
