Friday, January 2, 2009

New Years Resolutions...or lack of

Remember the other guys name from Wham.

Strategically park my car taking up five parking spots

Wear out my welcome

Learn to speak dog

Proof-read BEFORE posting comments

Have less idiot girl incidents

Actually use the 10 Core Rythems dvds i bought

Get a tattoo

Find a hobby that does not involve a computer

Find a hair color and stick with it

Sable and I hope you have much success with all your New Years Resolutions in 2009!

Thank You Matt for the shiney new banner for my lil blog.


  1. oh i can help you learn to speak dog in two easy lessons.

    lesson 1: snaks. s-n-a-k-s.

    lesson 2: go to the park. p-a-r-k.

    everything in a dogs world boils down to one or the other of these two things. thats it!

  2. Wait a minute! There are hobbies that don't involve a computer? What is this you speak of?

  3. Nooter - Thanks for the lesson. I can mark that one off my list.

    Brad - Woot thanks! I will mark that one off my list too

    Sue - I am not sure yet...if i find one i will let you know.

    Diesel - Thank you. Happy New Year to you too.

  4. No. 1 is Andrew something or other.

    I like the idea of low expectations for resolutions. I mean if you're going to make resolutions then aim low, right?

  5. what's the tattoo going to be of? I could never think of anything that I wanted permanently on my flesh...

  6. AFM ~ I totally agree with you.

    Jamie ~ I dont know, i just know it will not be a tramp stamp. I could blog about it and see what you all come up with, but that kinda scares me.

  7. Yes plzz blog about the tattoo .. but i just know i will win the vote :P As for the tramp stamp , shame shame .. non need for all that .. :X

    ps: My blog is fake .. non need to look at it :P i made it so i could post.

  8. Sad to say, you already failed one..


    Spellcheck it.

    You really should proofread better Siren!

  9. Andrew Ridgely sucks balls. Not worth remembering.
