Saturday, December 6, 2008

Car Troubles

This was Friday's post but i got tagged so now it has turned into Saturdays post, even though it happened on Friday. (confused yet?)

So I go outside this morning and I am dealing with a slight hangover from one to many martinis last night. This caused me to hit the snooze one too many times. I had to rush Sable to do her stuff so I could get in the car and get to work. I finally get to my car, but I can’t get in it, all four doors are frozen shut. I pull and pull and pull… then I swear and move to the next door. (a glad my hell hole house sold, but i miss having a garage) I don’t understand why karma hates me. Is this what I get for scraping off the car parked next to me windshield on Wednesday? (yes, I saw the movie Pay It Forward, it was a nice thing to do) So I finally think maybe I can slam my hip into the door and jar it loose (I knew those years of belly dancing class would come in handy)…well I think I bruised my hip, but the door would not open. Finally the guy stopped laughing who was watching out the window and came out with a bucket of hot water, he poured it around the door and it opened. 10 minutes later I was at work then I noticed this…

This is my tire, as you can see it has been violated many times yesterday by the parking Nazi. It reminds me of that old-time gum fruit stripes…you can’t see the colors well because this is my crappy camera phone. My goal is to get my whole tire filled up and then he will not be able to tell if I have been in the same spot for two hours or not. I did not say it was the best plan, just a plan.

Well I guess I better get some Advil and get to work.

Peace out!

On a side note: I just finished this book, now I can start reading Twlight (please no spoilers, no I have not seen the movie) Anyway girls, You might want to check this book out if you have a oral fixation. It is filled with secrets and tricks and other fun stuff…and that is all I am gonna say about that! Your man/boyfriend/boytoy will be very very happy that you did. Tickle His Pickle - The Hands On Guide to Penis Pleasing by: Sadie Allison


  1. tickle his pickle? i have to ask... how many strange looks did you get from the cashier when you bought that book?

  2. um, the human wants me to ask you if youll marry him?

  3. Jamie - none! that is the beauty of On-line shopping.

    Nooter - is he single? does he have a job? his own car? I am just asking because those type of men are rare around here.

  4. ha ha, he says for a belly dancing pickle pleaser he will leave both his wife and mistress, get a part time job and rent a car!

  5. Twilight.

    Bad, bad novel.

    Good idea, but holy SHIT is it poorly written.

  6. Kat ~ eww hate to hear that, it is looking like i will have to start it after the holidays. Well if it is that badly written i will just leave it in the break room at work.
