Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Ok i am offically weirded out today by my muppets magic 8 ball...

I asked it a question and I got its answer

then I e-mailed someone and asked the same question and i got the same answer..."Sheesh"

No i am not kidding....freaky!
Maybe there is more to this magic 8 ball thing than i thought.

I have just always used it as more of a suggestion, a second opinion....
I better start taking it more seriously.


  1. A magic 8 ball once told me to go on a bender and sleep with the first girl that seemed willing.

    ...wait, that was my priest. Nevermind.

  2. I only have one thing to say:


  3. step away slowly from the Magic 8-Ball!!

  4. Brad ~ Well hopefully if you did take your priests advice it was pre-wifey.

    Jorm ~ is that all you have to say? are you sure...

    Chris C ~ but...but... why you want to take my toys away? OK! I will "step away" for now, but just for now.
