Tuesday, December 2, 2008


I got tagged..So, thanks to Jormengrund at Yet Another Day in Paradise...

The rules are simple.

First, Link the person who tagged you.

Then post the rules on your blog.

Next, share seven random or weird facts about yourself

Then, tag 7 random people and include links to their blogs.

Finally, let each person you've tagged know about it by commenting on their blogs.

7 weird things about me:

1. I share a brain with someone, I always knew I shared a brain with someone, because at moments in my life I can look back and see clearly by my actions that I did not have it…this can happen several times a day.

2. I always have to pee when I am in the store looking at greeting cards or scrapbook paper. It does not seem to matter even if I go just before leaving the house.

3. I have to have the silk part of my blanket between my fingers when I sleep…this stems back to my childhood blanket…which I called “silky”… hey girl could have much worse habits

4. I know how to use a scroll saw…I lock myself out of the house and share a brain with someone but I can operate a scroll saw…does this worry anyone else?…and yes I currently have all my fingers

5. I am a member of the Idiot Girls Action Adventure Club…and it is truly an adventure everyday

6. I used to competitively roller skate (yes like ice skating, but on roller skates), it think it was my parents way of keeping us active and off of drugs. Did this for several years and if you doubt me I will show you my parents basement o’ trophies. Got to travel a lot sometimes I miss it.

7. I am a gamer, most of my social life is on a video game called Final Fantasy XI, I am a geek, a computer junkie….then this is coming from a girl who would wear a Firewire thong and considers Xoxide and Tiger Direct porn...what can I say I am a technical sexual icon *winks* (except when it comes to blogging, links, and html)

*wicked laugh* who to tag

Damn it Jorm you taged most my readers already...

Consider yourself tagged.

Well that is all I got for now. I could make 3 of them list 14 things to make up for the 3 I dont have. Ok... well I am off to deliver the good news


  1. ok, so is there really an idiot girls in action adventure club? we need stories from that and if there isn't, make some up :)

  2. Sorry Siren - I have a strict policy against this sort of thing - too much like Amway - and besides my whole blog could be called "Weird Things About Me" - I will add this: I can't sleep unless I'm holding a boob and mine don't work, has to be a woman's - when the wife is out of town I literally don't sleep, I will eventually pass out, but cannot sleep. Again, sorry, hope you still want to sleep with me - TNO

  3. Oh too good not to mention - the verification word is "rebled" as in I had two periods this month, my first one was normal and over but then I rebled.

  4. Melissa - Of course there is, i will fill you in next post.

    TNO - Boo! but i understand <3.
