Friday, December 5, 2008

Scent Meme (Tagged)

Nooter the dog tagged me with a scent meme. And good thing he posted the definition of meme or I would still be sitting here trying to figure it out what the hell he was talking about.

Siren Speaks up:

Five smells I do like:
My blend-able oil scents
Lemon Lavender Yankee Candles
The Lillac tree at my parents house, it always means I am home
Coco – Chanel

Five smells I don’t like:
Sugar beats Rotting (if you have ever had the pleasure of living near a sugar plant you know what I am talking about)
Sauerkraut (gross)Hospital Smell (I don’t know what it is but I no likee)Metro Bus Exhaust

Sable Barks in:
Five smells I do like:
Peanut Butter
Chicken McNuggets
Central Bark (the dog park)
Squirrel and Cat Terror (I must hunt them – I am with Nooter on this one)

Five smells I don’t like:
My own poop (I have to cover it up fast by tossing dirt or snow over it with my back legs)
CK-9 for a Cat or a Dog (gawd! I hate when she sprays that stuff on me)
Tommy Holedigger (I hate when she sprays this on me too)
Bath Water or Rain (yes, I can smell it - Princesses don’t like getting wet)
The Vet (the whole place just smells suspicious)
Melissa I am tagging you and Sable is taggin Chloe
I know... we just did the tag thing but i guess this is what happens we get tagged back.
Ima also tag Jorm and gottaloveme. I dont think i am gonna tag any of my other readers for fear they might hurt me since I just tagged them a few days ago.


  1. Gee thanks! now you need to explain meme to me, and I would be glad to play along. Totally agree with the smell of hospitals, but nursing homes are 10 times worse!!

  2. (blushing)
    you even posted my picture, im sooo embaaarrrased..

  3. GLM - No Problem a Meme is according to Websters an idea, behavior, style, or usage that spreads from person to person within a culture (it means your tagged- teehee)

    Nooter - Your a Hawt Dawg, Sable acts like a shameless hussie everytime i visit your site.

  4. So, I do I have to talk about my favorite and least favorite smells, or can it be anything?? Sorry I am such a dork!! Can ya tell I am still new at this??

  5. GLM - yes, 5 smells you like and 5 smells you dont like. =D

    i am new too, sometimes i think i need blogging for idiots!

  6. My wife can't stand smoke either. I'm no fan, but unfortunately, it means we can't go out to watch any bands in bars either.
