Friday, May 29, 2009

Breakin The Law

I get in my car to do the good thing, to do the right thing…to go give blood.

I am driving very slowly as the potholes in the road are big enough to lose my car in. I have on my seatbelt, because safety first. All the sudden out of nowhere he appears…and the lights on the top of the car is going blue… blue… blue… blue… I did not get the temporary case of tourette’s that I normally do, because I had no idea why he was pulling me over. I had no time to reach for the idiot girl’s action adventure club handbook, because I was afraid he would shoot me thinking I was reaching for something illegal. I roll down the window and smile! He says license and registration. I pull everything out of the glove compartment and handed him all the paper that I could find registration and proof of insurance, new tires receipt, oil change statements, for the last 5 years; because I seem to feel it is necessary to save EVERYTHING in the glove compartment, Hey were did this Twix candy bar come from.

Well the only problem is I have registration for every year except the current one. It seems in the whirlwind of my life (I will not go into details) I did not notice I never got a sticker thingy back from the State of Michigan that allows me to drive my car on the road legally. I look shocked then embarrassed and then finally looked sad. I explained to the officer that I was a member of the idiot girls action adventure club and these things happen to me, but he had taken his…humor vortex pill…I got a ticket…sigh…so now I have a civil infraction on my rap sheet and I can no longer call myself a law abiding citizen. I am a threat to society and should be approached as such.

So watch for me next month on Peoples Court, as I am sure this will be just the start in my life of crime. This is just a friendly reminder to please donate generously to the “Siren BAIL fund”, it is tax deductible, and your receipt is in the mail. At least I did not go to jail for the unpaid parking tickets.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

I'm Boring

Sorry about the sad state of my blog lately. i have not been real motivated to write anything funny. You ever have one of those off weeks...where nothing seems to be going right. Work seems odd, i got a bitchy e-mail today from my boss for doing something wrong, that i thought i did right... i will blame that on a lack of training. (teehee). I cant seem to just get any quiet time with those i love, you know lifes lil distractions always get in the way.

Sable had stepped on something and hurt her foot pretty bad, she licked it until it was raw and when i got home from work she was hardly walking on it, so $90 later she has pain meds, antibotic, a foot wash, and a lamp shade. poor baby.
I was hoping to present you with a guest post from Ryan but I guess he has been busy so...Nooter I will update you on the chicken, from what i have been told. It has grown, and it is now laying eggs. It seems so strange to me that someone would have a pet chicken... i bet i am allergic so i will just stick with Sable. I am looking at her now and I am having a craving for a dirty martini. Well it is midnight so i think i better head to bed.

Maybe i will get inspired this weekend to post about all my latest idiot girl adventures.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Idiot Girl Needs Love Too!

I want you all to meet someone. He stepped into my life at the best possible time. You know he just always seems to have the best timing like that. He dazzles me!

I know what your thinking…

NO I do not pay him… nor does he come with his own 800 number.

and NO he does not take batteries

I know I have mentioned him a time or two before and the fact that he is still around and tolerating my idiot girl action adventures amazes me, sometimes he even joins in. I know this is a foreign concept but I can just simply be me and he adores me anyway… just as I am…I don’t need to change…pretend to be something I am not…I can just be my idiot girl self and he is totally cool with it.

You also want to know what is really weird, he is single and there is nothing wrong with him. [insert shocked, I just won the lotto face here] I can’t wait to see how this story unfolds but I am trying to con him into a guest post or two, his sense of humor is fantastic.

Well Sable is demanding a trip to the dog park, so off we go.

Anyone have any great drink recipes for absolute vodka?
