Saturday, August 28, 2010

Just a Quickie Post!

I scrapped.
It was pretty quiet.
People seem so busy all the time.
I am glad I was able to find a quiet moment to do something I enjoy.This is for my sister it is of her dog. He is getting pretty old and is starting to find it hard to get up and down. It is never easy losing your best friend. I hope hers is able to stick around a while, but if for some reason he has to go... I want her to have some visual memories.
I also made some cards for my mom... she enjoys them and loves sending them out. Other than that I did some laundry and walked Sable. The idiot girl adventures were kept to a minimum.

Enjoy your weekend!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Shredded Lamb? Hell No!

Hi, this is Sable. I am waiting for "Idiot Girl" to come home for lunch. You see, she filled my dish with this dog food she got from the grocery store. This is not my normal brand, so I have to admit I was kinda curious. This was Purina Pro Plan Shredded blend. Natural Lamb and Rice formula. With real lamb! Now I know she has been on this natural food kick but it does not mean she needs to put me on it too!!! I am a chicken, cheese and bacon kinda dog not a lamb kinda dog. I don't know what she was thinking. Wait till she sees what I did today. She will sure be glad she just brought home a sample size bag.

Now, sometimes she has a hard time understanding me so I spent a lot of time this morning trying to make sure my message is crystal clear. I spelled out "I hate these shredded lamb pieces" all over the carpet.... ok, ok so maybe I did not actually spell that all out but i made sure to place those pieces all over the apartment. I was careful not to miss a room.

living room - check
bedroom - check
kitchen - check
hallway & bathroom - check
(trust me it is a lot of pieces)

I am sure she will be able to tell right away that I am not impressed with this change to my menu. The crunchy triangle pieces were not bad at all, so I ate those. Maybe I better get the broom out for her, but I won't because I hate that thing. Well it is hard to type with paws and I gotta go anyway...she will be home soon and I want to be waiting by the door so I can see the look on her face.

Sample bag of Pro Plan - Free
Picking though and strategically placing all the lamb pieces - Tedious
Look on idiot girls face - Priceless!!!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Phone Tricks and Mind Trips

I got a new cell phone. You would not believe how hard it is to fine a cell phone that will just make a damn phone call. I don't want a phone where I have to pay an addition $30 for a data plan. I have other sources for that. Believe it or not I want a phone to place phone calls... go figure.

Well I like the new phone the only problem is when people call I hang up on them. Not on purpose of course it is totally an accident. I think on my old phone the send and end buttons where on the opposite sides or maybe it is the fact that on my razor they are red and green. I am sure I will get it figured out soon... so until then if you want to get hung up on give me a call.

On a more interesting note I have stumbled on a site where you can get high (without drugs).

So if you are stuck inside on a rainy day or bored go check it out. There are sound ones too but they work best with headphones.

"How It Works - Created in 1981 by artist Isia Leviant, the painting titled Engima has long stumped scientists. Nobody knew why the lines appeared to jitter, how the concentric circles could move, or what exactly it was that gave us this two-dimensional illusion its appearance of depth. Why did we feel so sucked in to the painting? Then in November 2008, neuroscientists at Barrow Neurological Institute in Phoenix, Arizona, discovered most of the blame goes to the microsaccades, the tiny involuntary movements that occur naturally in the eyes at various times.
Barrow researchers gathered three subjects and placed each in a chair in front of Enigma. As subjects gazed into the psychedelic cluster of lines and circles, cameras took 500 pictures per second of their eyes. Subjects pressed a button when they noticed the lines in Enigma as stationary; they let go of the button when the lines began jittering again. What researchers found was that the painting appears to “jitter” when microsaccades increased; it appeared stationary as the microsaccades ceased. These involuntary movements in our eyes were, at least in part, giving Enigma its illusion of movement. " (copied and pasted from the site)

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I want my bed back!

Well, I am tired of sleeping on the couch. My ceiling is sorta fixed. The hole is fixed but I went to the office and asked the guy when he was going to paint it. He said the guy who fixed it was supposed to texture it before he can paint it. But the guy that did the drywall said he was done and has not been back… so left does not know what right is doing.

All I know is I want all the sanding and painting done so I can reassemble my bedroom and actually get a good nights sleep in my bed.
I guess this weekend I wipe down all the walls because there is dry wall dust everywhere, which makes me sneeze. I will put my room back together because just like the hole where they removed the bees it will never get done. Oh well at least the hole is gone and the ghosts, monsters and spy cat have been sealed inside or moved on.


Sunday, August 15, 2010


I feel lonely tonight and I hate that.

I guess that is all I have to say.

Except I hope our secretary is back from vacation tomorrow I refuse to lick envelopes. I hate that too!

Saturday, August 14, 2010


I used to polish up nicely.
Now I flash bright smiles and pretend everything is ok.
I get a little further from perfection…each minute and every day
I open my eyes in the morning just to discover I am disintegrating.
Some days it is harder to hide than others.
Harsh words and actions corrode my happiness

Disappointments, leading to salty tears cause my heart to rust.

The love, joy and happiness that once was there, eroded away.
I lay here weakened praying for some type of restoration

…someone not afraid to touch me where I am rusty

…someone who will scrape and chip until I bleed
…someone to make me feel a new dream, a new love without pain.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Let's Play A Game called what else is in my ceiling?

Ok... So now JerseySjov has me worried this is in my ceiling. I hope they get it fixed soon.

If you don't understand this post please see the following prior posts about the gaping hole and it contents in my ceiling.

Bedroom Ceiling 1
Bedroom Ceiling 2

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Lookie What I Found

Cameltoe is a slang term that refers to the outline of a human female's labia majora seen through tight clothes. It is also the toes of a camel as in the picture below. Today's entry is talking about the first reference. Also...Urban Dictionary defines it as a vaginal wedgie("vedgie"), most commonly caused by tight pants that work their way into the crevices of the vaginia making a shape that clearly resembles a camel's toe
(Fyi: I also learned on Urban Dictionary that male organs showing through clothes at the crotch may be called moose knuckle.)
I was innocently surfing the web and I came across this interesting site I thought I would share with all you fine folks. Did you know they have developed a panty to fix all these random displays of cameltoe. They call it Camelflage. Camelflage your Cameltoe. Feel free to go check out the site there is even a blog to talk about camel toe issues. I had no idea this was such a huge issue. I have not had the problem but then I don’t wear my clothes that tight either. If you ask me it looks uncomfortable.
It may be too late for Ms. Spears but if you wear spandex jumpsuits, these might be for you. "The insert is sewn into the panty so your protection is always secure!"
Now if someone can just do something about the Whale Tails!!!!
(Whale tale is the Y-shaped waistband of a thong or g-string when visible above the waistline of low-rise jeans that resembles a whale's tail.)


Saturday, August 7, 2010

Leaving the Lights On

I got up early this morning and went to work for a few hours; I take Sable with me on Saturdays since I don’t like the big building alone. I check my blog and thanks to The Urban Cowboy I have been watching my back every since. He said there might be ghosts and monsters in my ceiling. He could totally be right I got an eerie feeling last night when I woke up at 4:00am so I shut the bedroom door.
I have been avoiding looking directly at the hole for fear I will see this…

You know I am a fan of scary movies but I don’t watch a lot anymore since I live alone. If I watch a scary movie and I have to go home alone all the lights have to be on. Like that movie Darkness Falls… I will be safe as long as I stay in the light.
I have been searching the apartment most the afternoon for weapons but all I can find is some knives, scrapbooking scissors, and a stapler. Well I have Sable but she is scared of her own shadow.
Does anyone have a monster or ghost survival guide for idiot girls? This is serious, I am convinced that monsters and ghosts are up there and they want to eat me. I mean look at Godzilla how many people did he kill. I am going to need some other protection. Does anyone have a helicopter with assault rifles attached so I can call you in the middle of the night incase I need a monster gunned down?
Help, I’m scared!!!!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

The New and Improved Ceiling?

My bedroom ceiling is still not fixed, here it is now... I think I preferred the smaller hole that was there before.

and my floor....

I would just like to be able to sleep in my bed sometime this month. The couch is great, it is just not as comfortable.
All I can say is they better not try to raise my rent next month when it is time to renew my lease.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The Gnome Strikes Back

My new plant is dying. I know why it is dying; it is because I put my mini gnome back in it. I looked it up and confirmed it with some garden gnome enthusiasts is that the presence of gnomes in the garden would help promote the natural growth of your plants. According to the folklore, the gnomes are known to be creatures that take care of the vegetation. They are believed to have good hands when it comes to growing plants. I have a theory… When my mini gnome was younger and in gnome school trying to grow his must have died… from then on he was teased and taunted until he joined the dark side and became a member of the SNGSF (Secret Ninja Gnome Special Forces). Now he will not rest until my plant is dead. The other ninja gnomes taught him that plants are evil and he must eradicate it so he can have the pot all to himself. I bet he has his shuriken hidden in his pointy hat, and by the look of my plant he is a bad ass. I think I might have to put him on the couch with the dogs so my plant can live in peace. I would put the dogs in the plant but I don’t want them to water it.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Grr Monday's

I hit the snooze to many times this morning.
I did not have time to "love myself" before I got in the shower.
My hair would not dry fast enough.
My ceiling is still not fixed.
Sable too forever to pick which blades of grass she wanted to pee on.
My car is covered in sap from that stupid tree.
I typed my password wrong.
People seemed especially mean today.
The phone would not stop ringing.
Someone bought the last bottle of water out of the vending machine.

I am glad Monday is over.

Time to make a drink and just chill....
*&!*% I am out of vodka!