Friday, October 29, 2010


There is a million things running though my mind.

I don't think you all realize how true the title of this blog is.

I am scared...

and I can't find the irony or the humorous side to any of this.  So I am going to take a break. 

Take Care Everyone
and Happy Halloween and Thanksgiving

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Amazing Weekend

An amazing weekend.
Will post soon

"Like a kiss that keeps you yearning
When I feel your lips I start to cry
put your hands upon me
Leave me breathless tonight
I'm alive
With you
When so many lovers never find each other I've found you"

Sunday, October 17, 2010


I let my phone charge while I was getting ready for work on Friday morning.  On my way out the door I unplugged the charger from the phone and went to work.  All day Friday and Saturday morning I did not notice that one end of the charger was plugged into the wall and the other end which should have been on the table was actually soaking in my floating candle dish.  I was not sure what to do but the water was all discolored and I could see little bubbles floating up from where the metal part was.  I grabbed the cord… (Rubber coating is good right?) and pulled it from the water, then quickly unplugged it from the wall.  I was fully expecting my long hair to be standing on end from getting shocked or worse.  Next, when I decided I was safe and I was not going to get fried I tried to clean it off and let it dry but from the looks of the green and orange colors that were not there before.  I did not think it was going to work and I was right.... it didn’t.  I emailed my mom and dad so they would not panic if they tried to call and could not reach me that I am going to the Verizon store in the mall and get a new charger Sunday morning.  I get to the mall and the Verizon store in gone… I stopped one of the mall walkers and asked them if it moved.  The old man said it was not here anymore, I stared and him and thanked him for reaffirming the obvious and decided to stop someone a little younger who might care about where a cell phone store went.  The next walker I stopped told me that they moved to their own store down the street from the mall.  I thank her and head to the new location. 

I get there and had to ask for a charger and the guy pulled up my account and said you just got this phone and charger why are you getting another one is it not working?  I explained to him that after I was done charging my phone I tried to charge my floating candles, he looked at me like I was crazy, and he said most people drop the cell phone in the water not the charger.  I told her I opted for the cheaper of the two, and not to worry since I am a member of the IGAAC I will probably be back. 

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Pet Peeves!

I think I have acquired some pet peeves since I have been working at this job.  It is a change from my other job where I was mostly behind the scenes.  I deal more with people now, pissed off people who think the bank has wronged them in some way and now we owe them something.  A few years ago when we approved their loan they were chanting our praises.  I just want to say this up front...I work for a state chartered bank so before you go thinking I work for a bank that did all the shady lending and the shady foreclosures... that is just not the case.  So anyway back to what I was saying about pet peeves... i have a few:

1. Talking over me or interrupting me.  I have become much more hostile about this lately.   Before this job I would just stop talking.  Now I would like to tell them to shut the hell up and let me finish my sentence... but since that would probably get me fired, instead I just let them interrupt and when they are done... i politely ask them if they are finished so I can go back and finish what I was saying.  If they do it again i just continue to talk over them and tell them to let me finish because obviously they are retarded and need a little guidance.

2.  Answering a question I did not ask you.  I want to get some duct tape to have on hand at my desk for the next eavesdropper who answers a question I did not ask them.  Today, I did it... i finally looked at this girl who frequently does this and who has no idea what we are talking about because sometimes she does not even let me finish my question... I asked her if her name was Sue (names have been changed & who cares really) because I was talking to Sue.  She got mad and went back to her desk.  I am usually not mean like that but I had finally had enough.

3.  Swearing or hanging up on me.  When I am calling to see if they need assistance getting their finances back in order.  When I am calling to help them stay in the home vs. sending them to foreclosure... They better not  swear at me or hang up on me.  I realize they may have me confused with a bill collector so I cut them a little slack the first time...but if I have to listen to them swearing and yelling I am more prone to follow the guidelines and send them to foreclosure...why should I have to play nice with an asshole. 

I feel the only logical solution to all my pet peeves is getting an ip-phone application for my work phone.  Now I don't know why our phones are called IP phones but they can simply name this application the IP-Taser.  I want different settings on it... like mild, medium and asshole.  That way if I am on the phone with someone and they irritate me I can just choose a setting and solve the problem.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Good Night

By the time I went to bed last night I only had one thing on my mind...
When someone says something to me I tend to romanticize it in my mind.

For example:
"Good Night" in my mind is me and partner tripping over each other on the way to the bedroom leaving a trail of clothing in our wake...which then leads to thoughts of the greatest foreplay session ever, followed by various forms of sex and positions in great detail... well i tend to get a little carried away.

Oh... don't pretend your innocent. 

Friday, October 8, 2010


In the days of myths in ancient Greece, men talked at great length, and with superstitious fear, of the Goddesses of Fate — three sisters to whom the Gods had given the power to determine the lives and fortunes of all human beings on earth, of every age, and in every generation.

Clotho spun the thread of life from her distaff onto her spindle. 
Lachesis, the second sister fate,  is the drawer of lots, she measured the thread of life allotted to each person with her measuring rod. And Atropos, the oldest sister, stands by with huge shears, impatiently waiting for the right moment to clip the thread of life.   The teaching of this ancient myth is that every human being, of every age, and in every generation, is but the plaything of the fates; that life is longer or shorter as the fates may decide; and that no act of man can change his own destiny.  
 Does my thread look like this?

That is all I want to know, and I know by no means helpless concerning my own future; that I can not help myself.  I can lengthen my life or shorten it.  I feel so trapped right now by circumstances.   In the words of Disraeli: "Man is not the creature of circumstances ; circumstances are the creatures of man."  So I guess I will traverse my way though my idiot girl adventures, and I think it is time to put on my big girl panties and shake things up a little.  My thread may be tangled but I like it that way.  Change is never easy, but I think it is time.

 "The cowards never started, and the weak died along the way."

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Man Pants

So, I have not blogged in a while and I have been slacking.  I must be too busy loving myself and watching porn. I did tear myself way to go on a road trip last Sunday, it was a windy day, but a lot of fun.  Fall colors will be in full blast soon.

On a totally different note look at this...

British retailer Marks & Spencer has now created enhancing underpants for men, there are two types one that give a butt lift (elevate and shape the buttocks for a 20 percent visual lift) and one that provides a little more up front (a 38 percent visual enhancement in size).  These super pants will be available starting October 15, according to the article I saw. 

This is so deceiving. What would you do if you were dating someone for a while and suddenly you decide to have sex with him and he takes off his underwear and 38% of his cock comes off with them.  Or his nice firm ass is suddenly dragging on the carpet.  What would you say?  I mean, I guess it is only fair women can buy corsets, padded bras, silicone breast enhancers (you know those things that look like “chicken cutlets”), girdles, shape-wear, and even butt implants to show their skills in the art of illusion. What if you take off your girlfriends bra and her boobs are 38% smaller.


I would want to avoid that drama all together I don’t want to have to explain that my boobs in my bra may seem larger than they actually appear.... I figure if a guy does not like me for who I am he certainly does not deserve me.   My boobs are my boobs and my ass is my ass. 

I guess the moral of this little post is:  Please men and ladies do not let your confidence fall off in your underwear you are perfect without it.   

Friday, October 1, 2010

Nothing Exciting

This weekend is going to be busy.  I have plans tonight and tomorrow I need need to work for a few hours to make up some time from my checkup yesterday.  My doctor had ordered lab work back in July when I had an allergic reaction to something and my cheek turned bright red, and I was a bad girl and never went.  Well she made me go yesterday.  They took the blood and i really did not feel it, that nurse was damn good.  When she took out the needle and held the gauze there with pressure.  When she picked it up the blood came gushing out, well I happened to be looking at it, and this is when i passed out.  I had to sit there for an additional 20 minutes to make sure I was OK to drive home.  Well with the wait and drama my 1 hour lunch turned into 2 hours so gonna make it up tomorrow. 

I am going on a road trip with my parents on Sunday up north to take some awesome pictures I hope.  Should be fun, they know I want to go but do not want me going alone... which I can understand.  There are some strange things that happen at State Parks. I do not want an alien anal probe. 

Also I just got this book called Eat This, Not That.  I wanted to share a few things with you from the drink section.  You would be surprised the things that are marketed to be good for you are actually not.  Do you know people who drink that Rockstar Energy drink (One can 16 fl. oz)?  They are drinking the same amount of sugar as 6 Krispy Kreme Original Glazed Doughnuts.

I found this interesting as well:

SoBe Green Tea (1 bottle, 20 fl oz)

240 calories
0 g fat
61 g sugars
Sugar Equivalent: 4 slices Sara Lee Cherry Pie
Leave it to SoBe to take an otherwise healthy bottle of tea and inject it with enough sugar to turn it into dessert. Composed of 11 flavors with names like “Nirvana” and “Cranberry Grapefruit Elixir,” is marketed to give consumers the impression that it can cleanse the body, mind, and spirit. Don’t be fooled. Just like this bottle of green tea, all of these beverages are made with two primary ingredients: water and sugar.
Check you labels folks.