Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Mixed Up

You know it is tradition to get up early and open presents in my family. My Grandpa used to get us up at about 5am and then he passed the torch to my sister who has now taken the roll up getting us up at 5am to open presents. I don’t remember the jingle bells being that annoying when my grandpa used to do it, but I was younger then.

Anyway I hit the jackpot this year and I will blog about that later. (I get spoiled every year… still…maybe this is part of the reason neither my sister or I want to have kids, because then we would stop being spoiled and they would spoil the kids). In my pile of presents my sister got me some “Lush” tins, well I did not pay attention and I smelled them they smelled delicious. So I opened it and put the lip gloss on my lips. Later after walking Sable and having breakfast I grabbed the other tin and put it on my lips… even though it smelled great it tasted like ick… I was certain I would not be wearing that one anymore. Later my sister asked how I liked them and I said you know the one called “Let Them Eat Cake” was great, but the Snow Fairy one smelled good but did not taste so good. She looked at me and started cracking up…that is because that one is perfume.

She was still laughing as I tried to explain, my body was in motion but my brain was still zzz….

Anyway so now I love them both…
Not only are my lips smooth and delicious, but I smell great too.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Foamy Wraith

I got this new toothpaste; I saw the commercial on TV and knew I wanted to try it. It looked like it would really work. It is called Aqua Fresh Iso-Active and it foams. So I get some and bring it home and I have to try it right away. So I go to put it on my brush and it looks like green gel. I started brushing and it started foaming…. And foaming…there was so much foamy wraith in my mouth that it was just pouring out of my mouth and into the sink. Pretty soon the bathroom looked like one of those foam dance pits. The more I brushed, the more foam was created…I think I was brushing for 30 minutes to get it all out. So it seems I may of put a little too much on my brush… I think i will try a little less tomorrow.

Speaking of foamy wraith:
Do you like Foamy the Squirrel?

Saturday, December 12, 2009


Yesterday turned out to be a good day. I did not think in light of the economy and the cutting of jobs and overtime that we were going to get Christmas bonuses this year. Money is always a good thing especially when you are not expecting it.

Then as I was leaving last night I was talking to my boss and telling her I wish I could work Saturday and get my some stuff done. She looked at me and said go ahead. She said I could work the overtime as much as I needed. I am sorry I don’t mean to sound greedy but when I got divorced and paid for a house on my own for a year and lawyers I had depleted my savings account. So now that I am independent it is important to me to be “set financially” I like to have my own money in my pocket and money in savings for emergencies. This overtime is just a bonus.

Anyway what was I talking about….oh yeah….
I am guessing I have over 1000 people in my queue, which is job security, but that is 1000 people/families that collections efforts have failed on and are about to lose their home. I don’t care who you are even if you are a scrooge; you have to feel bad when people lose their home. No matter if it is a trailer, a mansion or a shoe… to them it is still home and nothing says Merry Christmas like foreclosure. I am thinking that is why I am not in the Christmas spirit this year.

I need to get gifts for my mom, dad and grandma…but what do you get for the people who have EVERYTHING. Tomorrow I have to go to the mall…I hate the mall and even hate it more this time of year when stores are so crazy. I like to know what I want to get before I go so I can get in and get the hell out. Speed shopping is my kind of shopping, I know… how un-female of me. Whatever, there are just more important things to do with my time.

Well I am off to work for a little while, and I am going to take Sable with me… that big building is kinda creepy when I am the only one there, I hear all kinds of noises. It’s an old historic building so who knows…I might not be alone “spooky” If there is ghosts there I hope they help me get my work done.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Say Thanks!


If you go to this web site:

you can pick out a thank you card and Xerox will print it and it will be sent to a soldier that is currently serving in Iraq.

You can't pick out who gets it, but it will go to a member of the armed services.

How AMAZING it would be if we could get everyone we know to send one!!!

It is FREE and it only takes about 10 seconds.

Wouldn't it be wonderful if the soldiers received a bunch of these? Whether you are for or against the war, our soldiers over there need to know we are behind them.

We can never say enough thank you's.

Thanks for taking to time to support the US Armed Services!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Is today over yet?

Yeah today felt like this....
I feel so frustrated today; I don’t know what is wrong with me. Today was the first big snow fall of the year and it is amazing how some people forget how to drive in the snow every single summer.

Sable had fun making paw prints is the snow, again I think she is designing some crop circles for the mother ship to come pick her up, but she tries this every winter…so far she is still stuck with me.

Then I get to work and they have upgraded our Windows so the ours emails lost the privacy statement and they moved all the applications that were on the desktop into a folder called “Application” I have another new password so I think the brings the total to 4850 now. I lost all my printers so I was looking to see if they issued us slate tablets and chisels, since they count the amount of pages we print every month… when I decided to call the helpdesk and ask WTF…? He asked me if I read the 2nd attachment to the 4th email they sent out about the upgrade… (There was a long silence on my end) so he shadowed my computer and got me connected.

Today was also the day for whiners, I don’t know if I am supposed to feel sorry for them for getting in over their head financially or to start plotting revenge on the loan officers that pushed them into the loan anyway. I am what you call a loan modification specialist… I am desperately trying to fix the damage… sometimes people are just nasty and mean and I have to send them to foreclosure. Believe me when I tell you I have heard it ALL… Sometimes I have to come home and just have a drink. Maybe by the time this mess is all fixed I will have to join AA.

If you have not noticed my second blog I had taken this photography class but I ran out of stuff to take pictures of since I have not gone anywhere and now it is getting cold and snowy, so I decided to start a project on that blog. I am doing the ABC’s of me. So I am taking some pictures to practice my newly learned skills. My grand plan of this project is to get better. But who knows… now I am just idiot girl with a camera.

So anyway I don’t know why I am so flustered today, maybe it is a lack of sex. Oh and my vibrator broke, so that has pissed me off… I guess I will have to order a new one. A Christmas gift to myself!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Love Yourself

When I was younger I hated my freckles. I remember thinking boys don't like freckles. I even tried every night for a month scrubbing my face trying to get them off. I wanted an anti "freckle juice" (Do any of you remember that story?) I will never forget the time my mom took me to the doctors and I sat up on the table and asked my doctor how to get my freckles off. He proceeded to tell me I could not take them off, it is where angels kissed me. I slept with one eye open for a week making sure I was not assualted with any more angel kisses across my nose than I already had. Even now days I think I have trouble coming across as cute vs sexy. I always hear "you are so cute" and I was convinced it is because of the freckles. Then Victorias Secret came out with this...
Marisa Miller... She has freckles and men think she is sexy... it is not the Maxim "Cute" 100 list she made. Maybe I need a "How to be Sexy for Dummies" since I can no longer blame my freckles for my sexy-less-ness (yes i just invented that word) I feel like I should have out grown "cute" a while ago. I guess I will have to learn to come to terms with myself and know my freckles are exactly where they are supposed to be.

Am I less of a lady if I don't wear pantyhose?
My mama said a lady ain't what she wears but, what she knows
But, I've drawn a conclusion, it's all an illusion, confusion's the name of the game
A misconception, a vast deception Something's gotta change
but, Don't be offended this is all my opinion ain't nothing that I'm sayin law
This is a true confession of a life learned lesson I was sent here to share with y'all
So get in where you fit in go on and shine
Clear your mind, now's the time
Put your salt on the shelf
Go on and love yourself'
Cuz everything's gonna be all right

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Making my Own Christmas Cards

Ryan went back home today, guess that is the suck (no pun intended from prior post) part of long distance relationships. I hope after him having a front row seat to all my idiot girl adventures he will be back sometime. My dad met me today to go shopping for my mom. She told me she wanted a gift card for the Sephora store. She loves that makeup.Around here this brand is only carried in the Sephora Shops at JC Pennys in the mall. I took my dad to two different malls looking for this store... neither one had it, the one said they will have it is Spring 2010. Well that does not do us any good now. This is not funny seeing as how neither me or my dad like shopping. My dad looks at me and says while we are getting in the car to go to the third mall ... will the Sephora store take the JC Penny gift cards sicne they are part of JC Penny... I did not know so I called the Sephora store and asked the associate if the Sephora shop will take the JC Pennys gift card, she said they did. Disaster avoided...So we went back in and he got a gift card dodging a trip to the other mall. I ran into Old Navy and got my sister a gift card while he was doing that. Then we went to Target and got my mom and the Wii Fit Plus. Now I just have to get something for my dad... and I have no idea what to get him. He likes gadgets and things... I will keep looking but since my sister is flying in on the 19th and we are having Christmas on the 20th, I dont have much time.

FYI: We went to Chilis and got some lunch, and I have to say that is the most disgusting cole slaw I have ever tasted.

He dropped me off back at the apartment and it is so quiet right now, Sable had a "Frosty Paw" and is now napping. I have been busy making Christmas Cards. Here is some of my handywork.

Yeah I was to lazy to focus.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

A not so well placed tear.

I was trying to make these pizza roll things so Ry and I could curl up on the couch with snacks/dinner and watch a movie. I tear open the bag, dump them out on the baking sheet and flatten the bag to look at how long to cook them for. Well in true idiot girl fashion i tore the bag right though the directions, more specfically though the cooking time. Good thing I know some Spanish since those directions were still intact.

9 to 10 minutes later, i peeked in the oven to see the pizza rolls exploded out the i was thinking 7 to 8 minutes may have been better. Oh well we ate them anyway. (yes, i do cook...we were just being lazy today)

So I was looking back and I have had like one post a month and I have been having a really hard time getting abck to blogging. I am not sure if it has been the holidays, photography classes, scrap booking... anyway I will try to do better.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Yeah so it has been a month…

There is so much idiocy that I need to tell you about and I think now would be a good time. November 4th was my birthday, I was so happy to get scrap booking gift certificates to use, Ryan got me a beautiful sparkly new bracelet, my sister sent me some cool stuff and my mom and dad gave me money.

My photography class is over and I learned so much so I have been taking photos and things. I learned a lot. There is so much I don’t know so I think I will take the photography II class. This is where I learn manual mode… yeah… I bet there will be a lot of blurry shots.

Oh did you all eat massive amounts of Turkey?

Took Sable to the dog park and Cujo was there…he saw Sable and tried to bite her lil face off…
(Insert me running, screaming and having a full on freak out here)
My princess!!!!…
He nipped her eye or under her eye, but I did not see it until the next day. I inspected her at the dog park when the incident occurred but it looked fine, just drooled on. The next morning I noticed she had some swelling and dripping, but she was not pawing at it and it did not seem to bother her, since it was a Sunday I decided if it looked worse on Monday I would take her to the vet. Thankfully Monday it looked much better and she did not seem to care at all…so I bypassed the vet visit. I think I will opt for the Rail Trail in the future, where the biggest threat is grandma’s on bikes and rollerbladers. I am not so sure I trust other dogs at the dog park anymore.

It happened so fast I am glad she was not seriously injured. I have never felt so helpless.

Oh and the icing on the cake…Ryan was here visiting so he got to witness first hand my “doggie mom” freak out. Embarrassing!