Laurie Notaro is the author of The Idiot Girls' Action-Adventure Club... I feel I am a card carrying member. These are my adventures.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Deck the Mall
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Deny Thy Milk and Refuse Thy Cream
Dear Oreo
You have been a constant friend of mine for years. We have been though thick and thin, in good times and in bad times... but it is time I break up with you. I am leaving you in favor of homemade treats... at first I admired your pre-packaged ease, but lately I have found you kinda a bore. As much as I love your creamy filling it is no good for me. Consider us over.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Bunny Slipper Contessa
Today I was home on my lunch break and she was making short ribs so now I want to make short ribs, but first I have to find out what a fennel is...there was also a Honey-Mustard Pork Roast with Bacon… YUM. I might have to change my cereal for dinner habit.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Ad astra per aspera
Friday, October 29, 2010
I don't think you all realize how true the title of this blog is.
I am scared...
and I can't find the irony or the humorous side to any of this. So I am going to take a break.
Take Care Everyone
and Happy Halloween and Thanksgiving
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Amazing Weekend
An amazing weekend.
Will post soon
When I feel your lips I start to cry
put your hands upon me
Leave me breathless tonight
I'm alive
When so many lovers never find each other I've found you"
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Pet Peeves!
1. Talking over me or interrupting me. I have become much more hostile about this lately. Before this job I would just stop talking. Now I would like to tell them to shut the hell up and let me finish my sentence... but since that would probably get me fired, instead I just let them interrupt and when they are done... i politely ask them if they are finished so I can go back and finish what I was saying. If they do it again i just continue to talk over them and tell them to let me finish because obviously they are retarded and need a little guidance.
2. Answering a question I did not ask you. I want to get some duct tape to have on hand at my desk for the next eavesdropper who answers a question I did not ask them. Today, I did it... i finally looked at this girl who frequently does this and who has no idea what we are talking about because sometimes she does not even let me finish my question... I asked her if her name was Sue (names have been changed & who cares really) because I was talking to Sue. She got mad and went back to her desk. I am usually not mean like that but I had finally had enough.
3. Swearing or hanging up on me. When I am calling to see if they need assistance getting their finances back in order. When I am calling to help them stay in the home vs. sending them to foreclosure... They better not swear at me or hang up on me. I realize they may have me confused with a bill collector so I cut them a little slack the first time...but if I have to listen to them swearing and yelling I am more prone to follow the guidelines and send them to foreclosure...why should I have to play nice with an asshole.
I feel the only logical solution to all my pet peeves is getting an ip-phone application for my work phone. Now I don't know why our phones are called IP phones but they can simply name this application the IP-Taser. I want different settings on it... like mild, medium and asshole. That way if I am on the phone with someone and they irritate me I can just choose a setting and solve the problem.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Good Night
When someone says something to me I tend to romanticize it in my mind.
For example:
"Good Night" in my mind is me and partner tripping over each other on the way to the bedroom leaving a trail of clothing in our wake...which then leads to thoughts of the greatest foreplay session ever, followed by various forms of sex and positions in great detail... well i tend to get a little carried away.
Oh... don't pretend your innocent.
Friday, October 8, 2010
Lachesis, the second sister fate, is the drawer of lots, she measured the thread of life allotted to each person with her measuring rod. And Atropos, the oldest sister, stands by with huge shears, impatiently waiting for the right moment to clip the thread of life. The teaching of this ancient myth is that every human being, of every age, and in every generation, is but the plaything of the fates; that life is longer or shorter as the fates may decide; and that no act of man can change his own destiny.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Man Pants
On a totally different note look at this...
British retailer Marks & Spencer has now created enhancing underpants for men, there are two types one that give a butt lift (elevate and shape the buttocks for a 20 percent visual lift) and one that provides a little more up front (a 38 percent visual enhancement in size). These super pants will be available starting October 15, according to the article I saw.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Nothing Exciting
I am going on a road trip with my parents on Sunday up north to take some awesome pictures I hope. Should be fun, they know I want to go but do not want me going alone... which I can understand. There are some strange things that happen at State Parks. I do not want an alien anal probe.
Also I just got this book called Eat This, Not That. I wanted to share a few things with you from the drink section. You would be surprised the things that are marketed to be good for you are actually not. Do you know people who drink that Rockstar Energy drink (One can 16 fl. oz)? They are drinking the same amount of sugar as 6 Krispy Kreme Original Glazed Doughnuts.
I found this interesting as well:
240 calories
0 g fat
61 g sugars Sugar Equivalent: 4 slices Sara Lee Cherry Pie
Leave it to SoBe to take an otherwise healthy bottle of tea and inject it with enough sugar to turn it into dessert. Composed of 11 flavors with names like “Nirvana” and “Cranberry Grapefruit Elixir,” is marketed to give consumers the impression that it can cleanse the body, mind, and spirit. Don’t be fooled. Just like this bottle of green tea, all of these beverages are made with two primary ingredients: water and sugar.Check you labels folks.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Sex Myths
Friday, September 24, 2010
2 .... Really?
On a better note, have you seen this blog. I was fascinated, of course it was 2am and I could not sleep so I was easily amused or it could be that I love cock.
Also I was surfing around to other blog sites and I found Write about it Wednesday on City Mom's blog laughed at the picture so now I feel I should at least write about it. Yeah... I know it is not Wednesday, just pretend it is. Here is the photo and all you have to do is hop on over to her blog to play along.
Randomly Yours,
Thursday, September 23, 2010
The fake big O!
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Uninvited Guest

Thursday, September 16, 2010
What the Smell !!!
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Out for Dinner
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Just a Quickie Post!
I scrapped.
It was pretty quiet.
People seem so busy all the time.
I am glad I was able to find a quiet moment to do something I enjoy.

Enjoy your weekend!
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Shredded Lamb? Hell No!
Now, sometimes she has a hard time understanding me so I spent a lot of time this morning trying to make sure my message is crystal clear. I spelled out "I hate these shredded lamb pieces" all over the carpet.... ok, ok so maybe I did not actually spell that all out but i made sure to place those pieces all over the apartment. I was careful not to miss a room.
bedroom - check
kitchen - check
hallway & bathroom - check
(trust me it is a lot of pieces)
Picking though and strategically placing all the lamb pieces - Tedious
Look on idiot girls face - Priceless!!!
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Phone Tricks and Mind Trips
Well I like the new phone the only problem is when people call I hang up on them. Not on purpose of course it is totally an accident. I think on my old phone the send and end buttons where on the opposite sides or maybe it is the fact that on my razor they are red and green. I am sure I will get it figured out soon... so until then if you want to get hung up on give me a call.
On a more interesting note I have stumbled on a site where you can get high (without drugs).
So if you are stuck inside on a rainy day or bored go check it out. There are sound ones too but they work best with headphones.
"How It Works - Created in 1981 by artist Isia Leviant, the painting titled Engima has long stumped scientists. Nobody knew why the lines appeared to jitter, how the concentric circles could move, or what exactly it was that gave us this two-dimensional illusion its appearance of depth. Why did we feel so sucked in to the painting? Then in November 2008, neuroscientists at Barrow Neurological Institute in Phoenix, Arizona, discovered most of the blame goes to the microsaccades, the tiny involuntary movements that occur naturally in the eyes at various times.
Barrow researchers gathered three subjects and placed each in a chair in front of Enigma. As subjects gazed into the psychedelic cluster of lines and circles, cameras took 500 pictures per second of their eyes. Subjects pressed a button when they noticed the lines in Enigma as stationary; they let go of the button when the lines began jittering again. What researchers found was that the painting appears to “jitter” when microsaccades increased; it appeared stationary as the microsaccades ceased. These involuntary movements in our eyes were, at least in part, giving Enigma its illusion of movement. " (copied and pasted from the site)
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
I want my bed back!
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Disappointments, leading to salty tears cause my heart to rust.
The love, joy and happiness that once was there, eroded away.
…someone not afraid to touch me where I am rusty
…someone who will scrape and chip until I bleed
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Let's Play A Game called what else is in my ceiling?
If you don't understand this post please see the following prior posts about the gaping hole and it contents in my ceiling.
Bedroom Ceiling 1
Bedroom Ceiling 2
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Lookie What I Found

(Whale tale is the Y-shaped waistband of a thong or g-string when visible above the waistline of low-rise jeans that resembles a whale's tail.)
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Leaving the Lights On
Thursday, August 5, 2010
The New and Improved Ceiling?
and my floor....
I would just like to be able to sleep in my bed sometime this month. The couch is great, it is just not as comfortable.
All I can say is they better not try to raise my rent next month when it is time to renew my lease.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
The Gnome Strikes Back
Monday, August 2, 2010
Grr Monday's
I did not have time to "love myself" before I got in the shower.
My hair would not dry fast enough.
My ceiling is still not fixed.
Sable too forever to pick which blades of grass she wanted to pee on.
My car is covered in sap from that stupid tree.
I typed my password wrong.
People seemed especially mean today.
The phone would not stop ringing.
Someone bought the last bottle of water out of the vending machine.
I am glad Monday is over.
Time to make a drink and just chill....
*&!*% I am out of vodka!
Saturday, July 31, 2010
The Sky is Falling
Something happened to my ceiling. My first thought was there was a leak on the roof, however nothing was wet and there was no water stains on the ceiling. My next thought was bees again... but i saw no bees. I was perplexed so I slept on the couch. the next morning I called the maintenance person and he came to take a look. He took a picture with his cell phone and that was the last I heard so I went to work. When I got home from work this is what I saw
I thought it looked like black mold so I poked it with a ruler and it was squishy like a sponge. Finally I went in to the Apartment office yesterday to pay my rent and the lady asks how my apartment is doing. How is it doing? I told her there is a hole in my bedroom ceiling. What the hell kind question is that? I have been sleeping on the couch for 4 nights because i think the ceiling in the bedroom is going to cave in and cover me in black mold. She told me they found the problem and the roof was like Swiss cheese. Is this supposed to comfort me?
So if a seagull lands on the roof it might end up in my bedroom. I asked when they might foresee getting my ceiling fixed. She said next week. So today I am going to get busy moving the stuff out of my bedroom since they are going to have to remove a major part of the ceiling.
I guess i should just be relived it is not bees again.
Friday, July 30, 2010
Over The River and Through The Woods...

Thursday, July 29, 2010
Driving Two Daisy’s
Last weekend I took off Friday morning on a road trip with my mom and grandma. We were doing great because my mom was driving and I was reading a map that my dad printed out on Street Atlas USA. I quickly noticed that this map had not exit numbers, and did not tell me how may miles I would be on the road. My grandma is on oxygen so after the first two hours of driving we had to stop and change her tank. This is the point that my mom told me I could drive. She did not want to drive though Columbus. I was worried for a few reasons:
- This is my Dad’s Acadia
- My mom is a backseat driver (panics or squeals if she thinks you do not see something – which actually causes a mild heart attack when you are driving)
- My mom cannot read a map.
I was on the road about an hour and I said are we supposed to get off here? She says no so I keep driving. 10 seconds later she says…I think you were supposed to get off back there.
* Awkward Silence*
Hello this is On Star Navigation …we are downloading your map. The next thing I hear while I am driving down the highway is “Please make a legal and safe U-turn” I blink and laugh since I am in Ohio and the cops will arrest you if you if you look at them funny. To make it even worse I have out of state plates, which I am certain, put a big bulls eye on my car. (I had to use the cruise control all the way there) I finally got turned around and we were back on track.
I think I could make a whole other post regarding the things I now know about my mom and grandma after being trapped in a car for a little over 7 hours with them.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Saturday Driving
8:00am - I woke up and did all my morning stuff (wont bore you with the details) I took sable for a walk. When we got back to the apt and I decided to go to work for a few hours.
9:30 Drove to work with Sable in the car, I can sneak her in on Saturdays since there is no one there. The building I work in is a big old historic building so it is scary. I am sure they could film some sort of Ghost Hunter episode there. One of my male co-workers collects clowns and they are all over his cubicle. It really creeps me out. Sable does not seem like the logical choice for possessed toy clown collections or ghost protection... but she is all I got. We get downtown and because my town is a tourist trap in the summer there was no where to park. The Tall Ship are here and people are everywhere. I did not see any trucks with nut sacks so that was a plus.
9:34 - Road rage occurred along with some swearing about where people learned how to parallel park there are lines for a reason. Four parking spots taken up by 1 car and 1 motorcycle is unacceptable.
(rant) does it piss you off when people think their vehicle is so great that they take two spots thinking it will prevent door dings? This makes me want to hit them on purpose, which i would never do, but the though has crossed my mind. I do secretly hope for a random act of nature like a giant hail storm (just on their car) or a meteor.

9:34 - 12:00 - Boring work stuff and Sable napping on the floor under my desk.
12:20 - 11:00pm - Dust, vacuum, dog out - dog in (repeat). It was hot so I decided to go get a slurpee. I like to treat myself once in a while. When I got to 7-11 it seems everyone had the same idea. the parking lot was full and there where these two cars parked side by side in the drive having a conversation. I waited and stared... and waited, finally I put it in reverse and found a spot. I am sure I shot them a dirty look as i walked by but they did not seem to care. They must have been having a very important conversation to delay my Slurpee goodness. World Peace? Global Warming? The Answer to clean up all the oil in the gulf? I be it was about that Lebron basketball guy. I get inside and the guy in front of me got a Big Gulp... come on... Big Gulp = Moet and Slurpee = Cristal... get with the program Mr.
Somewhere in the adventures of the day my check engine light came on. I noticed it heading home after the Slurpee run. So i figured after all the BS my car has road rage too. So I parked it and let it rest all night. Today I am driving to my parents house, so I am hoping when I go out to start it the check engine light is off. I have not pumped gas lately so i don't think it is the gas cap again unless some one stole it... I will check that before I leave. Hmm... if it is not that I don't know what it could be so I guess I will drive it to my mom and dads and keep my fingers crossed. Wish me luck.
Monday, July 5, 2010
Happy July 5th
Mango Salsa on toasted Italian Bread
(it is best on fish, but i am not a huge fish fan)
Baked Beans with Brown Sugar, Peaches, and Bacon grilled inside a sweet potato.
Grilled Chicken in a Marinade I made from scratch.
I packed up everything and took it to my parents house. I let the chicken marinade in the cooler on the drive there. Once I got there my dad helped me with the grilling, that is his terrain. Everything turned out good and they loved it and I think they were thrilled they did not have to cook.
I got a text so I headed home, but by the time I got there is seemed like everyone was busy doing other things. I logged on Skype just in case anyone wanted to talk but all I got was crickets. So I logged on this computer game I play online with other people but everyone seemed busy doing there own thing on there too. I decided to do my own thing but promptly died... it is what I do, hey I full time this idiot girl thing... in real life and the video game world. I know your supposed to pretend to be something different on line but I have tried and I can't shake this idiot girl M.O.
So kinda moody I log off and decide to walk Sable. We did not get to far, she does not like the sound of fireworks going off, she wanted to go back inside. I got her a Frosty Paw Ice Cream and she forgot all about the fireworks drama. I curled up on the couch and watched TV until I fell asleep.
I don't have to work today either so I hope I can find something exciting to do. Hope you all had an enjoyable and safe holiday weekend.